
Heinz M. Kabutz – IntelliJ Wizardry

Original price was: $7.00.Current price is: $5.00.

In 2003, Heinz was asked to fix bugs and add features to a bowl of spaghetti code. It was a dismal task. He had heard of IntelliJ IDEA’s supernatural analyzing powers.

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Heinz M. Kabutz – IntelliJ Wizardry

Heinz M. Kabutz - IntelliJ Wizardry

In 2003, Heinz was asked to fix bugs and add features to a bowl of spaghetti code. It was a dismal task. He had heard of IntelliJ IDEA’s supernatural analyzing powers. At the end of his 30 day trial, he purchased his first IntelliJ license. Often after his talks, instead of asking about the topic he spoke about, curious onlookers wanted to know how he had performed his IntelliJ magic. Here are your answers.

Disclaimer: Cretesoft Limited, producers of this material and The Java Specialists’ Newsletter are official training partners of JetBrains. All statements in this training material are based on our own experiences with the product over the last 14 years of almost daily use. This is uncommissioned work and is offered to the world to help Java programmers become more effective in their programming tasks. Remember: A bad workman always blames his tools.

Course Curriculum
Section 1 – So You’ve Installed IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition …


1. Why I Switched to IntelliJ IDEA in 2003 (10:50)


1a. Swing GUI Builder (1:40)


2. Superkey Alt+Enter, Fixes Almost Anything (2:35)


3. Switching Between Tool Windows (1:27)


4. Setting Up Autoscroll To And From Source (1:13)


5. Creating new … With Control+Enter (2:45)


6. Live Templates psvm, sout, soutv (5:07)


7. Navigation with Arrows and Clicks (6:14)


8. Jump To New Line Out Of Middle Of Code (1:30)


9. Syntax Aware Selection (6:16)


10. Move Code Up and Down (1:44)

Section 2 – Now Quintuple Your Coding Speed


11. Surround Statements With (4:49)


12. Select Live Template (5:53)


13. Error Based Coding (9:34)


14. Line Based Editing (4:08)


15. Column Select Editing (5:13)


16. Presentation Mode for Speakers (4:19)


17. Reformatting Code (5:12)


18. Code and Variable Completion (5:06)


19. SmartType Completion (7:54)


20. Comment and Uncomment Current Line (4:27)


21. Override or Implement Methods (5:55)


22. Copy Class (5:33)


23. Rename Class, Method, Field, Variable (5:15)


24. Move Class, Method or Field (1:58)


25. Camel Prefix in Code Completion (2:30)

Section 3 – Refactor Like a Boss

26. Refactor – Introduce Variable (13:40)


27. Refactor – Extract Method (10:57)


28. Refactor – Change Signature (1:24


29. Refactor – Inline (4:30)


30. Refactor – Safe Delete (1:53)

Heinz M. Kabutz – IntelliJ Wizardry on sensecourse.info


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