Ed Dames – The Learn Remote Viewing DVD course
This DVD set features retired U.S. Military Intelligence Officer, Major Ed Dames, former head of operations and training for the RV ‘psychic spy’ unit. With over 20 years of teaching…
Ed Dames – Remote Viewing Geoloc
Here at the RV GeoLoc website you will find links to Student Resources and the latest information concerning this new cutting edge remote viewing technology.
Ed Dames – Psi Tech – Technical Remote Viewing Home Training Course
As Operations and Training Officer for the military’s psychic intelligence unit, Major Dames was intimately involved in the development and use of this remarkable technology to support critical classified military…
Ed Dames – Remote Viewing The Lottery
This DVD documentary, Remote Viewing the Lottery, is hosted by two of Major Ed Dames’ students and now trained Remote Viewers; the mother and daughter team, Mary and Cherise Rivera,…
Ed Dames – Remote Viewing For Sports Betting
Remote Viewing Sports Betting is recommended for those experienced with Remote Viewing protocol from the Learn RV course. Remote Viewing is the fastest growing declassified ESP skill in the world…
Ed Dames – Remote Viewing Training Course
A remote viewer learns to focus and hold his or her unconscious attention on a target. Then, in a sequence of standardized steps, the viewer records information about the target…