Varleisha D. Gibbs, Angela Mansolillo and April Christopherson – 2-Day Pediatric Course – Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Treatment Interventions
Watch today’s leading experts in pediatric rehabilitation and treatment to discover how to accurately identify these challenges. By examining neural pathways in the brain and learning new ways to reroute…
April Christopherson – Neuroplasticity Primitive Reflexes Pediatric Rehabilitation
Gain creative and evidence-based approaches to implement timing and movement activities that will work directly on primitive reflex integration, brain development, and sensory motor skills for working in schools, clinics,…
April Christopherson – Pediatric Neuroplasticity Interventions for Sensory and Primitive Reflex Integration
This course delivers new and exciting ideas on how to detour around damage and incorporate viable nervous system connections, from congenital abnormalities to traumatic brain injuries. You’ll learn how to…