Richard Nongard – Hypnosis Mentorship And Supervision
This is an interactive online class using our zoom classroom. You can join the discussion with camera and microphone and with text-based chat. You will be able to ask questions,…
Richard Nongard – Corporate Counseling Opportunities
Dr. Richard Nongard an established keynote speaker, business writer and course developer will show you the exact step-by-step formula on how you can leverage your counseling and therapy experience in…
Richard Nongard – 2018 HPTI HypnoSummer School
This is the innovative online learning that you have been looking for! We will meet online for eight weeks beginning June 3, 2018 (all courses are recorded for 24/7 and…
Richard Nongard – Empowering Women With Skill Building Hypnosis
Based on the strategies of Kelley Woods and HOPE COACHing and the unique perspectives of Richard Nongard, LMFT and Roger Moore, Registered Counselor and Professional Hypnotist.
Richard Hill – Beat Procrastination
10 Video training program that takes you into what procrastination is all about and what you can do about it.
Thomas Keller Masterclass – Teaches Cooking Technique 2
The Live with Intent authors tap into their deep experience to help people create a road map for personal and professional reinvention. They teach you how to get from where…
Thomas Reichart, Justin Tomlinson – Live With Intent (Unabridged)
The Live with Intent authors tap into their deep experience to help people create a road map for personal and professional reinvention. They teach you how to get from where…
Tsultrim Allione – Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom For Resolving Inner Conflict
Tsultrim Allione brings an 11th-century Tibetan woman’s practice to the West for the first time with Feeding Your Demons, an accessible and effective approach for dealing with negative emotions, fears,…
Motivation – Motivating Yourself & Others – POWERFUL!
MOTIVATION – Gain an Unfair Advantage in Life By Learning How to Motivate Yourself and Others! Motivation is the MASTER Skill of Success! Without it … You will Fail.
Ahmed Elshahawy – Mind Hacking Build Ultimate Control On Mind And Emotions
Your Anxious Thoughts, Fears and Negativity that feels like inevitable and really ruining your life are more of biological functions triggered by survival instinct and do not define who you…
Complete English Course: Learn English, Intermediate Level
The #1 Interactive English Course for Intermediate. At the end of this course you will have a deep knowledge of English – Intermediate Level .
Reach your English language goals now… -
THÉURGIE et Haute Magie
Dans les lignes qui vont suivre, je vais vous révéler toute la vérité sur la magie divine de l’Antiquité à nos jours en levant le voile sur les pratiques authentiques…
Matthew Hussey – Dating Advice Programs
I can’t wait to take you by the hand and give you my step-by-step process for getting the life of your dreams. Let’s do this together right now!
Keith Brown – Encyclopedia Of Language And Linguistics
The first edition of ELL (1993, Ron Asher, Editor) was hailed as “the field’s standard reference work for a generation”. Now the all-new second edition matches ELL’s comprehensiveness and high…
Jonathan Altfeld – Calibration Skills Home Study
Please note, this is a downloadable set of .mp3 files. We do not currently offer this on a CD by mail.
Damo Mitchell – A Comprehensive Guide To Daoist Nei Gong
A comprehensive description and step-by-step explanation of the Nei Gong internal alchemical process also explaining its philosophical basis
Quantum Techniques – Stephen Daniel – Healing Meditation
Make some time for yourself! This meditation places the body in a profound healing state! It can be used as a daily aid to healing and as an aid to…
AbcEdu Online – Learn Italian Language: Complete Italian Course – Beginners
Improve your listening and Italian comprehension skills through ear training and visual learning thanks to the Italian speaking teacher, interactive board, subtitles and included .pdf materials.
Adriano Sugimoto – PNL Programação Neurolinguística
Neste curso faremos uma viagem pela PNL ( Programação Neurolinguística ) descobrindo novas formas de pensar e agir. Falaremos sobre a experiência humana, como avaliar resultados e criar metras, aprendizado,…
Brent Dalley – The Importance Of Self-Esteem, One Sure Way To Improve Yours
If you could feel confident that you are in charge of your life and have the tools necessary to accomplish your goals then this course will have been a success.
Chinese Made Easy L2: Understand 79% Of Chinese In 10 hours
Thanks to the previous course you have now built up a very solid foundation and now that you have all the building blocks it’s time to start building your castle!
Paul Scheele – Fearlessness Paraliminal
Being fearless allows you to move forward, try new things, and live in the present moment without worrying about what hasn’t happened and may never happen. It allows you to…
Paul Perr – Afterlife (2018) – Gaia
Paul Perry ponders the question of what happens when we die through a series of interviews with subjects who have had near-death experiences, as well as renowned experts in the…
Nikki Estrada – A Beginner’s Guide To Yoga
Reasons to Not Be Intimidated by Your First Yoga Class. Breathing Basics: Learn Ujjayi. Posture Basics: How to Do Downward Facing Dog. Posture Basics: Learn Sun Salutations