Steve G. Jones – Friendship Success
Hypnosis Expert And Pioneer Who Changed The World Of Hypnotherapy Does It Again With A System That Will Enable Anyone To Flood Their Life With New Found Friends!
Dr. Joe Vitale – Advanced Hooponopono Certification Course
If you’ve heard of Ho‘oponopono, you might know that there are 4 main phrases that are used to effortlessly move emotional blockages. But you probably haven’t had an experienced teacher…
Sara Allen – Unbridle the Radiant Circuits – Aligning with the Souls Energy System
As often happens to me when I am studying with two great teachers synchronicity fashions a perfect storm. I was completely unaware, that as I was reading Johnson’s book on…
Subliminal Club – Ascension v2.0 Pure Alpha Male
For those seeking romantic relationships, ASCENSION will improve your prospects and increase romantic attraction from those around you. There’s nothing more alluring than a self-actualized individual that exudes a powerful…
Dr. Dain Heer – Un-doing the Anti-You Class + Special Process Loop
In this special class recording, Dr. Dain Heer is exploring some of the key-aspects of that and uses Access Consciousness® processing in order to CHANGE it. Really, that is the…
Advanced NLP Mastery 2009 Training – 18 DVDs
The Advanced Mastery Training was created to establish a new high standard for collaborative NLP training—which means you’ll be learning some subtle distinctions seldom or never taught elsewhere.
Bashar – Tools of Success Workshop
Do you desire more success? In this dynamic and clarifying workshop, Bashar explores what may keeping you from experiencing explosive success and shows you how to recognize the path leading…
Eric Edmeades – The Immunity Blueprint
Discover How The Immunity Blueprint Gives You Lifelong Protection From Illness, Accelerates Healing & Recovery, Extends Your Lifespan, And Turns Back The Clock On Premature Ageing – All In Just…
Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Facilitator Training 2021
The first part of the Facilitator Training will use The Sedona Method book as its reference and guide. What follows is a partial review of what is in the book…
Nancy Duarte – Resonate
In this engaging, documentary-style course, you’ll learn essential story structuring and presentation principles, plus practical strategies to create stories that convince and inspire.
Forbes Robbins Blair – Genie Within DELUXE Program
The Genie is a symbol for your subconscious mind — the part of you that possesses great power to change your life and draw success to you using the Law…
Connirae and Steve Andreas – Resolving Grief
She demonstrates a technique you can use with job, relationship, or any other type of loss. 54 minutes. Note: Viewers need prior NLP experience to benefit from this tape.
David Berceli – Trauma Releasing Exercises
This is not a high definition DVD but it remains a classic. It features Dr. Berceli giving step by step instruction of the exercises in a group setting. It also…
Kristina Mand – Live By Your Own Rules
Live By Your Own Rules with Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani is a thorough exploration that leads you to self-discovery, self-liberation, and the most important relationship you’ll ever have.
David Berceli – Pathway to Healing A Trauma Recovery Program
It includes exercises designed to release chronic muscular tension, psychological insight to restore healthy thinking and a personal reflection process to rebuild one’s belief system.
Mr Twenty-Twenty – Candid Creation
“In the Candid Creation Recordings, Mr Twenty Twenty shares EVERYTHING that is going on in his mind and in his life – as he takes a real life crises –…
Mark Cunningham and Mike Doubet – Advanced Stage Hypnosis
Mike Doubet is my co-instructor for this series and he’s hands-down the most powerful stage hypnotist that I’ve ever met! On these video’s there are instant inductions to post-hypnotic commands…
Hale Dwoskin – The Sedona Method – Forgiving Yourself for Your Past Mistakes
Forgiving Yourself for Your Past Mistakes is designed to help you break this cycle for good and allow you to move on with your life with greater confidence and certainty.
Bill OHanlon – Ericksonian Hypnosis Online Course
In this online course, O’Hanlon takes the lessons that he learned studying under Erickson, along with with his own decades of experience as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and clinical trainer…
Hypnotica – Sphinx of imagination
The Sphinx of Imagination” plunges the listener into a vivid world of multi-layered inner- dimensional storytelling narrated by the acclaimed mind scientist Hypnotica with a supporting music score contributed by…
Anthony Metivier – The Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass
The Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. If you’re expecting some boring collection of videos, like those available all over the net, you’ve got another…
Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall – NLP Master Practitioner Training 1988
This 8 day NLP Master Certification program is designed to build on your learnings from the NLP Practitioner. These advanced tools operate at both the conscious and unconscious levels, & are…
Mark Manson – Masculine Power Now
The majority of men are “nice guys” who lack sexual confidence. They’re afraid to tell a woman (or anyone else for that matter) how they truly feel or what they…
Connirae and Steve Andreas – Missing NLP Products
Gain specific methods for resolving life issues, coping with day-to-day stresses, improving relationships, changing unwanted feelings, and overcoming limitations that keep you from getting what you want.