
Tony Langley & Tim Lowe – Daisho System

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Original price was: $3,500.00.Current price is: $247.00.

In 2013 this guy showed me a remarkable new strategy that could enable anyone who followed it to literally make thousands of pounds a month without ever facing a single losing trade!

Author: Tony Langley & Tim Lowe

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Tony Langley & Tim Lowe – Daisho System

Tony Langley & Tim Lowe - Daisho System

Would you like a copy FREE just for seeing what the rest of the brand new

‘Daisho’ System

is all about?!”

In 2013 this guy showed me a remarkable new strategy that could enable anyone who followed it to literally make thousands of pounds a month without ever facing a single losing trade!

This year he’s done it again … he’s come up with a stunningly clever, SIMPLIFIED FORMULA that removes ALL uncertainty …

… so now YOU can enjoy the thrill of ‘Daisho’ trading your way to an estimated £2,250 to £3,000 a WEEK tax-free WITHOUT ever worrying about losing your original stake!!

In order to prove how profitable this system is he’s agreed to PERSONALLY demonstrate it using ACTUAL TRADES in front of a small invited audience on a purely NO OBLIGATION basis and reveal the ingenious secret that makes it so special and ultimately WHY it’s so different from anything you may have seen before!

If you meet a certain criteria and you’re interested in becoming one of these privileged individuals then read on to discover how you can become part of this invited audience where not only will you get access to the secrets behind the brand new for 2017 ‘Daisho’ System

… but you’ll also get this folder containing full instructions on a simple standalone programme that I GUARANTEE will make you a minimum of £500 in 30 days or less and could easily carry on making you £200 to £400 each month thereafter



To qualify, can you answer YES to these three questions?

  • Do you believe that there really are people who make money without actually having a job or ‘working’ in the traditional sense of the word and always feel that you should be one of them?

  • Do you believe that if somebody has a proven system which gets fantastic results, if you faithfully copy what they do, there’s no reason why you can’t achieve the same kind of success?

  • Are you prepared to actually take action and become familiar with a simple procedure if you are presented with evidence that it WILL make you money?

If you can answer ‘YES’ to all three questions then read the rest of this letter right now because this is going to be the best opportunity you’ll have ever seen!



Let me get straight to the point because this is such an amazing opportunity that you won’t want to miss it.

We all know there are plenty of extremely wealthy individuals who regularly make thousands, millions and sometimes billions of pounds from various markets around the world but if you’re anything like most people you probably think of trading as a sort of ‘some you win, some you lose’ type of thing.

But what if I told you that you could make an estimated £2,250 to £3,000 a week, tax-free, from an ingenious way of trading a specific type of market, where no matter what happens, even if the trade goes against you

… you either STILL make a decent profit …

… or at the very worst you simply breakeven but NEVER lose overall?!

You’d think I’d gone barking mad right?!

Read every word of this letter to see how you could bring in an extra £2,250 to £3,000 a week tax-free and make a fantastic difference to your lifestyle!

Well believe it or not this is EXACTLY the way the fantastic new Daisho System I’m about to share with you in this letter works and if you’re the type of person we’re looking for …

… I’d like to invite you to come along and watch it being personally demonstrated with actual trades, so you can see just how easy it is to make this kind of cash for yourself!

Forget Lottery tickets, forget gambling, forget taking a punt on the horses … ‘Daisho’ trading means you can now enjoy the excitement of making typical returns of £76.80 … £97.78 … £191.93 … £246.93 … £337.22 in 90 minutes or less WITHOUT the ‘fear’ of losing your original stake!!

The thing is, as more and more people are looking for alternative sources of income these days (… especially with all the talk of Brexit and what might or might not happen with the economy and the fiasco caused by the latest election) …

… because they want a quick fix many are turning to high-risk schemes or strategies in order to try and land that elusive windfall that will sort out their financial worries once and for all.

Unfortunately however, because of the pretty poor calibre of most of what’s on offer these days the majority just end up losing much more than they ever gain which obviously leaves them actually worse off than before!

But that’s why the Daisho System is so special.

Around 97% of the time you simply set it up and the system makes you a decent profit …

but because of several built in ‘safety mechanisms’, the remaining 3% of the time you should still make a small profit or at the very worst break even.

In other words, you never lose overall!

It’s such an amazing concept.

In fact, once you truly ‘get it’, it’s like having ‘CASH ON TAP’ because you always know you can generate an income whenever you need it without the fear of losing anything in the process!

Of course, when the guy behind it, my good friend Tony Langley introduced the original idea a few years ago, initially no one believed it was possible.

They slated him on forums, they called him a scam artist, they tried to prove that his methods didn’t work …

… they even tried to ‘catch him out’ by making stuff up to show his system couldn’t possibly do what he said it could!

Yet every time, Tony was able to ‘put his money where his mouth is’ and prove beyond all doubt that if you trade the way he does

… not only can you make a decent profit from his system …

… but you can pull in THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OF TAX-FREE CASH EVERY MONTH from it without EVER facing a single losing trade!

So what’s it all about?

Well what I’m talking about is trading the football markets!

In the last few years Tony, who’s not one of those slick city types by the way but an ordinary, ‘down-to-earth’ working class sort of guy …

… has made a small fortune from a rather clever and specific way of trading a series of events that happen regularly during certain games of football!

Now don’t worry if you’re not interested in football (… neither am I and nor is Tony for that matter) because with this system it’s completely irrelevant (… although if you are one of those odd people who do happen to like it this will still work for you just fine )!

The thing is Tony is obsessed with finding ways of NOT losing money when trading, which is why a few years ago he was delighted when he discovered that the football markets offered the perfect platform for what he needed!

Now I’ll explain how these work in a moment but for now, let me just tell you that initially when he traded them, Tony suffered losses like everybody else.

However it didn’t deter him because he could see that this particular type of trading offered a number of unique possibilities that just weren’t available through other platforms like forex or the stock market, which would enable him to either make a profit or at the very worst break even.

In other words he knew that with just a little perseverence there had to be a way of making the football markets profitable REGARDLESS of the outcome of the match!

Well, to cut a long story short, through trial, error, testing and re-testing, combined with an almost pathological desire to trade and never actually lose money …

… he eventually had a ‘eureka’ moment and found an ingenious way to ALWAYS get out of a trade should it go against him … WITHOUT losing any cash … and sometimes even then still make a small profit!!


Since then he’s gone from strength to strength and with hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax-free profit behind him (… and having recently retired from his job) he continues to make thousands of pounds ‘pocket money’ every month from his discovery.

Of course, as I’m sure you’ll have gathered, this is the cornerstone behind his brand new Daisho System because it finally takes away the uncertainty that normally goes hand in hand with other forms of trading …

Seriously, if you’re looking for an exciting, new and unique way to make typical returns of £76.80 … £97.78 … £191.93 … £246.93 … £337.22 TAX-FREE in 90 minutes or less without the fear of losing …

… then read every word of this letter because what I’m about to reveal is going to ‘blow your socks off’!!

You see this ‘discovery’ changed Tony’s life and it can change yours too!

Not only has this additional income made a HUGE difference to his own lifestyle but it’s also made a massive difference to those around him as well.

For example, if ever he fancies taking his wife away on a luxury holiday, he simply trades enough to pay for it outright.

If he needs a new car, he buys it for cash knowing all too well that he can always recoup the money in no time (… he’s made over £15,000 in a single month before and bought his wife a car with the proceeds).

But how about this?

He paid off his mortgage not too long ago and because of the feeling of pure freedom it gave him …

… he decided to pay off the mortgage of his favourite uncle as well!!

Can you imagine what it would feel like to be able to do that for a close member of your family?

Not many people get that opportunity but because of the FREEDOM AND FINANCIAL SECURITY OF EXTRA TAX-FREE CASH this system gives you, it really could enable you to do these kind of things yourself!

By the way, you might be interested to know that, even before he developed his new Daisho System, not long ago Tony proved how successful his methods were … out of 559 trades he placed in 20 months (… which worked out an average of just under 7 per week), 544 won and made a decent profit, 14 won and made a small profit only,1 broke even and not a single one lost any money overall (… full details of every trade is held on file at my office)!

Despite his success though, it’s still not good enough …

Seriously you’d think that if you had the ability to make £2,250 to £3,000 or so every week, tax-free, you’d be quite happy to just sit back and carry on enjoying the benefits it brings you …

But not Tony!

None of this has stopped him from looking for easier ways to do it!

You see unlike with most trading strategies that tell you that some losses are inevitable if you want to make a profit overall, Tony has just never accepted that.

Which is why, from the moment he discovered that his ‘always win (… or at least break even)’ formula finally worked, he’s become obsessed with finding new and exciting ways to make a decent income without ever losing any cash in the process!

So when he called me a few weeks ago to tell me he’d been working on something new I have to say it got me more excited than anything else I’ve seen in a long time.

A simple, fantastic ‘updated’ opportunity …

Now it has to be said that Tony is a genuinely nice bloke and anyone who knows him will tell you how much he loves showing people what he does and how if they trade in the same way, they will always make money.

However it turns out that because of his overwhelming desire to see people benefit from his methods, combined with his almost pathological hatred of losing, he’s been quietly honing and refining his system in order to develop a new approach which, as he put it to me …

“… is going to blow your mind Tim … more people than ever will be able to do this … it’s going to be huge!”

What he went on to explain was something that in my view is nothing short of genius!

Basically he’s been working on a new ‘simplified’ strategy that …

  • … is easy to master so won’t require huge amounts of support or help
  • … still uses his ‘always win (… or at least break even)’ principle to get out of trades that don’t go as planned
  • … requires nothing but a basic laptop, mobile phone or device that can connect to the internet
  • … can easily be started with a trading bank of as little as £300 to £1,000
  • … doesn’t require any technical skills or special abilities to do
  • … is perfect for complete beginners or seasoned traders alike
  • … doesn’t require an interest in football (… although works just as well for people who do like it)
  • … is totally flexible around your schedule as there are hundreds of tradeable matches every month, played at different times all over the world
  • … requires minimal effort so it can be done as little or as often as you like
  • … and is SO EASY to understand that even the nay-sayers will finally ‘get it’ and rather than ‘attack’ him, get on board and join him!

In a nutshell, he’s designed a system that is simple and straightforward to use so that virtually anyone can make some extra cash pretty much as and when they feel like it.

Whether you fancy ‘scoring’ an extra £50 … £100 … £200 a week or you’re one of those ‘keener’ types who’d rather take it a bit more seriously and bank an extra £2,250 to £3,000 a week (… tax-free remember) …

… Tony’s new Daisho System is the one you’ve been waiting for!!

The bottom line is, because this works on a clever yet very simple principle, once you understand it, it’s easy to make money from it!

Essentially all it involves is an ingenious way of effectively playing one thing that happens in a football match off against something else that occurs a little later on, in such a way that …

…. REGARDLESS of the outcome of the game …

… you ALWAYS either end up on top or at the very worst break even!!

It really is truly remarkable.

Of course an important part is knowing which football matches it’ll work with and Tony’s finely tuned formula makes finding the games that fit the criteria an absolute doddle!

That said (… and this is some legal stuff ), I do have to point out that I’m NOT saying that you will never lose money if you use the Daisho System … after all, I’m sure that no matter how robust the system, somebody will always find a way to not follow instructions!

What I am saying however is that Daisho trading is a massive leap forward and a major evolution of something which was already fantastic and which Tony used to trade 559 times, across nearly two years, without having a single losing trade.

In other words, if you’re prepared to come along and …

  • See him personally demonstrate how profitable this system is using actual trades in real time…
  • Watch him reveal every detail of what makes it so special…
  • Hear him explain WHY it’s so different from anything you may have seen before…
  • Understand just how simple it is to operate and why it doesn’t require any special skills or technical abilities…
  • And ultimately prove to you that YOU can trade in exactly the SAME way that he does…
… then there IS a way that you can effectively have ‘cash on tap’ whenever you need it without the fear of losing!!

Now if you’ve never done anything like this you may well be wondering how trading the football markets actually works.

Well let me explain …

Here’s how it works …

Traditionally anyone who wanted to place a bet on the outcome of an event, whether it be a sporting occasion like horse racing, golf, cricket, rugby, football

… or practically anything else where the outcome is uncertain like whether it’ll snow on Christmas day or if a royal couple’s first child will be a boy or a girl …

… would have to go to a high street betting shop to have their ‘punt’ on their chosen result.

However, these days, because of the simplicity of using the internet, more and more people who in the past wouldn’t have bothered, are now using online betting exchanges where they don’t bet against a bookmaker, but instead gamble against each other (… betting exchanges are a bit like an online version of the stock exchange, the difference being that rather than buying and selling stocks or shares, people are effectively buying and selling bets)!

Now before I go on, let me make one thing absolutely clear …


And this system is certainly not about that!

This is about trading SAFELY … knowing that if you invest say £100, you could easily get £130 … £150 … £180 back but your original investment is never at risk …

… in other words, no matter what happens, you will at the very least get your £100 returned!!!

You see Tony’s new Daisho System takes advantage of the fact that, unlike the old fashioned bookmakers, these modern betting exchanges don’t just allow single bets on which team will win a football match but they also have many other ‘markets’ for the SAME GAME that people can place multiple bets on.

  • For example you can place a bet on who WILL win the game …
  • You can place a bet on who WON’T win it (… meaning the other team will win OR it’ll be a draw)!
  • You can bet on the exact score (… either at the end of the game or at half-time, or both) …
  • And you can bet on who will score a goal first, or whether the final result will be under or over a certain number of goals!

In fact there are so many different ‘markets’ available per match that I can’t list them all here, but it’s by taking advantage of some of these other markets that enables Tony’s new Daisho System to trade one thing that happens in a game of football off against another in such a way that one has to outperform the other!

The easiest way to understand it is to think of it a bit like trading on the stock exchange except rather than buying stocks that could go up or down …

… with this you’re effectively buying two separate stocks where at least one of them HAS to go up and out perform the other.

Simply put, the profit from the better performing one is ALWAYS more than, or at least enough to cover the cost of the less profitable one!!

By the way, the reason this doesn’t work on the stock exchange is that no matter how many stocks or shares you buy, theoretically they could ALL go down but when you trade the football markets in the way that Tony does, at least one of the bets HAS to win.

A Daisho trade simply works by making sure that the profit on this win is ALWAYS more than, or at least enough to cover the cost of any bets that don’t win.

Incidentally, you’re probably wondering why we call it ‘Daisho’?

Well, this is actually a Japanese word literally meaning ‘big-little’ and is used to describe the matched pair of Japanese swords worn by the Samurai class.

The warrior has his two swords, one big and one little, and is popularly reputed to always win in battle using one or the other!

Important point …

By using a very specific criteria to select the right matches Tony gives himself a HUGE advantage at the start of a match so that around 97% of the time this win is MUCH MORE than the amount needed to cover the original investment … which means that 97% of the time he makes a decent profit. The other 3% of the time the trade pretty much balances out and either makes a small profit or breaks even.

I hope this makes sense because the principle behind it is essentially how Tony has made hundreds of thousands of pounds from some of the SEVEN MILLION PLUS daily transactions that happen on the UK’s biggest betting exchange …

The important thing to remember with this system is that EVERY trade will EITHER WIN or at the very least break even … 97% of the time the trades make a decent profit and just 3% of the time they only make a small profit or break even!

In other words, if you follow Tony’s methods correctly

Now just for the record, remember I said you don’t even have to like football?

Well it’s absolutely true!

Tony hates it, in fact up until recently he didn’t even understand some of the rules!

The thing is with this you don’t need to have any interest in the game whatsoever.

Tony has set this up in such a way that he doesn’t even have to watch any matches and neither do you (… although of course you can if you want to ).

Instead, when you choose to trade, just as he does, you can use a little piece of free software that sends an alert to your computer, smartphone or ipad if something happens during the game which needs your attention.

Naturally this means you can be trading a football match and making money but still be getting on with other things that you want to do at the same time!!

Oh and there’s something else …

Because Daisho trades are based on what happens during a 90 minute game of football, you get the excitement of seeing the profits racking up right in front of your eyes

 … so you never have to wait more than a few minutes after the end of the match before you actually see the money turn up in your account!!

Ok, let me tell you exactly what this is about and how you can get involved …

As I said earlier Tony is not only highly successful at what he does but he really is a truly decent bloke who loves nothing more than sharing what he knows with other people and helping them make money as well.

However, even though he loves spending his spare time developing and improving trading methods that always win (… and of course wants to see these being implemented and benefitting anyone who wants to learn them) …

… up until not too long ago, he still had a very busy full time job and was really quite limited in the amount of time he could dedicate to showing others his system.

But because he’s recently retired and no longer HAS to work, he’s decided that he now has more freedom to PERSONALLY show anyone who’s interested, exactly what he does and how to do it.

Basically he feels that showing his methods to someone face-to-face is by far the best way to explain how simple his system actually is and more importantly …

… to really ‘get across’ what it’s like to feel the excitement of ‘winning’ WITHOUT the fear of losing your original stake!!

As I said at the start of this letter, no-one likes losing anything but to win without the fear of losing is a different thing altogether!!

Which is why this is such an extraordinary opportunity because when you get it, you genuinely don’t have to worry about losing your hard earned cash when trading ever again!!

Remember that cash on tap? Well this really is the closest thing to it you’ll ever come across!

Now if you decide to come along and meet Tony to see him personally demonstrate the system in action, prove how profitable it is and to REALLY SHOW YOU how different it is from anything you will have ever seen before, the first thing you’ll notice is how passionate he is about football trading.

The second thing you’ll notice, and most importantly is how enthusiastic he is to help YOU if you really want to learn his methods!


Funnily enough, despite his success, he still gets really quite upset when the ‘naysayers’ or ‘tyre kickers’ criticise him and say that his system doesn’t work, especially if they’ve never tried it or have never really got familiar with the methods to know that if you do it right …

… ANYONE can genuinely learn to trade without ever facing a single loss!

Of course this is the reason he’s asked me to help him find people who fit a certain criteria …

… in other words, people who are enthusiastic and will actually get on and do what he shows them (… rather than those who are just curious and want to find out how it all works without having any intention of doing anything with what they discover)!

Will it be YOU who’s the next one pulling in regular profits of £50 … £100 … £200 … a week in your spare time … TAX FREE … or if you take it more seriously, the one banking an estimated £2,250 to £3,000 extra cash a week?!

Don’t forget, when Tony trades, the ingenious secret behind his system means he DOESN’T lose money … and you don’t have to either …

… this is all about making a decent profit 97% of the time and only making a small profit or breaking even the other 3% of the time, REGARDLESS of the outcome of a football match!

If you want proof there’s bags of it …

As a member of the invited audience in the upcoming personal demonstrations there’ll be plenty of proof but if you want to see some results beforehand, how about this?

Remember, even before he developed his new Daisho System, Tony proved how successful his methods were time and time again …

Over a period of nearly two years he literally placed 559 trades and published the precise results of every single one as he did them.

Now as you’d expect, these details were subjected to endless scrutiny by the usual ‘naysayers’ as well as firm supporters so to back this up Tony made many videos showing his actual trading account and even recorded and published dozens of trades LIVE in ‘real time’ AS HE DID THEM!

Well guess what … eventually the critics went silent …

… after all they had no choice but to accept that Tony’s methods work …

Out of 559 trades he placed in 20 months (… which worked out an average of just under 7 per week), 544 won and made a decent profit, 14 won and made just a small profit,1 broke even and not a single one lost any money overall and many of these ‘naysayers’ had witnessed many of these trades with their own eyes!!!

So as you can see the core principles behind the Daisho System are proven

… they’re a guaranteed way to make an estimated £2,250 to £3,000 a week (… don’t forget, Tony has earned over £15,000 in a single month this way and has pulled in hundreds of thousands of pounds in the last few years alone).

Oh and by the way, trading without the ‘fear’ of losing is also great fun as well!

To put this in perspective, let me show you a complete list of the percentage returns that Tony made and published for scrutiny over that near two year period …

Period Month (From the 17th to the 16th of the following month) Percentage Profit %
1 July 2015 65.6%
2 August 2015 69.1%
3 September 2015 60.01%
4 October 2015 67.6%
5 November 2015 81.4%
6 December 2015 66.2%
7 January 2016 55.6%
8 February 2016 62.2%
9 March 2016 62.1%
10 April 2016 62.3%
– – – – Holiday through May – – – –
11 June 2016 63.8%
12 July 2016 72.9%
13 August 2016 70%
14 September 2016 62.9%
15 October 2016 59.9%
16 November 2016 63.8%
17 December 2016 63.9%
18 January 2017 78.3%
19 February 2017 60.4%
20 March 2017 62.1%


(… Tony stopped spending time making videos of trades and publishing his results at the end of March this year because as well as feeling that he’d proven that his methods work to the ‘naysayers’ and critics, he also wanted time to concentrate on creating the documentation for his new Daisho system)

That’s a massive AVERAGE return per month of …


… for 20 straight months!

Now everybody will have a different idea of how much they want to start with, but imagine if you were to do this and started with a trading bank of just £300 …

Simply by making the same percentage returns as Tony, look at how quickly it could grow …

Month Bank at Start of
Monthly Profit of 65.5% Bank at End of
1 £300 £197 £497
2 £497 £326 £823
3 £823 £539 £1,362
4 £1,362 £892 £2,254
5 £2,254 £1,476 £3,730
6 £3,730 £2,443 £6,173
7 £6,173 £4,043 £10,216


As you can see, just £300 could grow to around £10,216 in 7 months or less!

Of course it’s entirely up to you how soon you start withdrawing your money but by waiting a few months and allowing your ‘starting bank’ to build up, you’ll make much more money overall and will reach the point where you can withdraw thousands of pounds of TAX-FREE profit TO SPEND EACH MONTH that much sooner.

Now you could actually start with less than this but realistically, the more you begin with, the quicker you’ll see significant returns hitting your bank account.

Imagine starting with a bank of £1,000 …

Look how much THAT could grow in just six or seven months if you didn’t withdraw any money to begin with …


Month Bank at Start of
Monthly Profit of 65.5% Bank at End of
1 £1,000 £655 £1,655
2 £1,655 £1,084 £2,739
3 £2,739 £1,794 £4,533
4 £4,533 £2,969 £7,502
5 £7,502 £4,914 £12,416
6 £12,416 £8,132 £20,548
7 £15,548 £10,184 £25,732


Of course I must stress that the tables above are hypothetical examples but they are based on THE ACTUAL RESULTS obtained using REAL money over nearly two years, so you can see what is possible and how these small profits can soon add up.

Now I’m sure you’ll be getting really excited and starting to try to work out how long it would take you to make your first million if you just let your bank grow by 65.5% a month. That’s completely understandable but before you get too carried away, just a word of caution.

Once you’re using Tony’s Daisho System properly, you’re going to be in a position to make a lot of money, but I do just need to make you aware of one thing.

As an individual user, realistically you won’t be able to grow your bank indefinitely, and Tony estimates that around £2,250 to £3000 a week (… £9,000 to £12,000 a month) is the maximum profit that you can expect to regularly make with this system.

Don’t forget, these profits are tax-free and this can ALL be done in your spare time …

In other words …

… this would ALL be EXTRA cash for you to spend in any way you want to!

How exciting is that?!

Once you’ve really got to grips with the system, it won’t take you long to build up your bank and then it’s really easy to trade far less …


This is what Tony does …

These days it’s not unknown for him to make around £1,000 from a single trade which he then takes out of his account to spend however he chooses!

Can you picture yourself enjoying spending cash that you can make any time you need it?

I’ll tell you it doesn’t get much better than this …

… you really could be making a serious income without ever leaving your living room and whenever it suits you purely because of an extremely clever way of trading a few football matches out of the hundreds of suitable games that are played every month around the world.

There’s something else as well …

Tony Langley & Tim Lowe – Daisho System on sensecourse.info


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