
Tim Gagnon – Basic Landscape Fundamentals: Acrylic Painting

Original price was: $179.00.Current price is: $42.00.

This painting lesson series is more than just lessons. It is a painting learning experience. There are 16 basic lessons included in this series that cover everything from basic clouds to water and grass.


Tim Gagnon – Basic Landscape Fundamentals: Acrylic Painting

Tim Gagnon – Basic Landscape Fundamentals Acrylic Painting

This painting lesson series is more than just lessons. It is a painting learning experience. There are 16 basic lessons included in this series that cover everything from basic clouds to water and grass. You will learn everything you need to know to create amazing paintings. You will learn what brushes to use, what paint colors to mix and how to apply the paint!

What the Basic Landscape Fundamentals Includes:
Lessons 1 – 6 Skies and Clouds
Lessons 6 – 10 Hills, Trees and Grass
Lessons 11 – 12 Water, Rocks
Lessons 13 – 15 Paintings from Start To Finish
Lessons 15 + To be added as I develop new techniques

Tim Gagnon – Basic Landscape Fundamentals: Acrylic Painting on sensecourse.info


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