The Ultimate Option Guide When and How to Use Which Strategy for The Best Results
Original price was: $247.00.$62.00Current price is: $62.00.
This is a LIVE and Interactive, 6+ hour, program with me, where I’ll teach you my proprietary Option Strategy Selection Process developed and used for selecting the best option strategies to use and how to use them…
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The Ultimate Option Guide When and How to Use Which Strategy for The Best Results
As a single trader, do you ever feel like it’s you against the giants?
You know, those mega Wall Street firms that know all the insider strategies, and control the markets?
What if you had a secret weapon that leveled the playing field between you and the big boys?
You do… and it’s called OPTIONS.
But the thing about options is that they can be confusing unless you know which Option Strategy to use and when and how to use it correctly at any given time….
Option Strategy Confusion, OSC, is what I call this debilitating trading disfunction.
Are you suffering from OSC??
If so, you’re not alone.
Many traders and investors I’ve worked with over the years have confessed to enduring this frustrating and debilitating trading disfunction which holds them back from option trading success…
Can you ever know which strategy to use, and when and how to use it correctly to stack the odds of trading options successfully right out of the gate?
You can!
As you can see from hundreds of client reviews, I’ve successfully taught thousands of people how to trade options, and you can master option trading, too.
Join a group of proactive traders ready to take their skills to the next level…
The “insider” level: using options the very best way designed specifically for the market environment that you’re trading, on any given day, and within your desired risk level.
I’m keeping the group small so I can make sure that every single participant gets what they need, because when you succeed, I succeed, and that makes me happy nowadays.
When & How to Use Which Option Strategy for the Best Results
This is a LIVE and Interactive, 6+ hour, program with me, where I’ll teach you my proprietary Option Strategy Selection Process developed and used for selecting the best option strategies to use and how to use them based on the market cycle and market environment you’re trading.
No more ‘OSC” – Option Strategy Confusion.
You’ll replace it with option trading confidence and success…
Oh my gosh Larry, this is EXACTLY the type of class and training I need! Thank you so much!
Larry, although I have shared before the stellar quality of your work, it is compelling to venture forward yet again to share that your work is simply put, outstanding. The effort and zeal you put into your work and the delivery of your teaching is not only impeccable, but nothing short of exemplary! Thank you again! …..
Rick J
Larry just wanted to say my options knowledge has leaped exponentially since joining your option trading service! Reading books is fine but seeing the actual option trade set-ups makes a huge difference. Thanks.
Larry, your name was mentioned in a Tampa Options trading group by a newbie trader who claimed you were more helpful than any others she had looked into, i.e., Online Trading Academy and Options Animal.
Denis M.
So, long story short, Denis signed up for my Options Masters course and here’s what he had to say about it…
Just finished the Options Masters Course (loved it)! Hedging on demand is a game changer and allows one to enter trades with confidence. Already 2 of my probability trades which were heading to my short strikes were converted to butterflies which I exited at a higher profit than the original trade forecasted. I slept much better, and the funds were reinvested. Compound interest is a little magic seldom mentioned with Options.
Denis M.
Tell everyone here that one member says this is not an Options Masters Course but, in my opinion, it’s getting a PhD. in options!
I have spent a fair portion of today, while working on three spreads, reviewing your Options Masters course. Damn, it’s a great course! Virtually everything I did today came from the course and I am set up with adjustments to hedge or defend the positions if necessary next week. The course has added one big giant step to my daily trading. Thanks!
If you’ve attended my training before, you already know that I like to answer all your as we go so, you’re ready to take action.
This isn’t one of those courses where you hang on forever just hoping the trainer will pick your question, and then you’re left hanging. (I hate those, and know that you probably do, too.)
You’ll get interactive expert training which is my proven formula for successful training for traders committed to taking their skills to the next level.
Here’s Just Some of What You’ll Master at This When & How to Use Which Strategy Workshop
Part I: Foundation of Option Trading
Saturday, May 21st
(Live + Recorded)
- The Option Greeks & how to use them in your option trading
- How Option Pricing Works & its use for selecting the best option strategy
- The Market Makers Option Trading Secret & how to take advantage of it
- How to use Standard Deviation for probability trade analysis – Explained in layman terms making it easy to understand and use
- Option Delta & Trade Probabilities – How to use
- How, why & when to take advantage of Volatility & Volatility Skew
- Option Strategy Guide
- Process for selecting which strategy to use and when based on market cycle, market environment (range of uncertainty) & chart pattern
- Best Option Selling Strategies: What are they & how to use
- Best Option Buying Strategies; What are they & how to use
- The Option Butterfly & its amazing trading advantage for uncertain, high volatility markets, selling time, volatility & HEDGING
- This option strategy can provide trading returns of 100% to 1000% or greater with low Capital at Risk, Amazing…
- The major trading advantages of the Long Option Condor Spread low, defined, capital at risk strategy that’s also great for HEDGING
- How, why & when to use the Long Option Condor Spread in your directional trading
- Calendar Spread – Timing/Income Spread, when and how to use
- Calendar Diagonal Spread – medium to long term directional timing/income
- Calendar Diagonal Spread – medium to long term directional timing/income option strategy
- How the Calendar Diagonal Spread works to create a market neutral & directional, defined risk trade, for income and potential big profits from market direction
- How this Option Strategy works based on capturing time decay without completely sacrificing directional speculation
- How to structure this strategy to profit from the difference in implied volatility between the short & long option series spread, selling volatility
- How, why & when to use this strategy
Part II: Monday & Tuesday, May 23 & 24
- Favorite Go-to-Option Strategies explained in-depth, when to use & how to use.
Buying Options – Calls & Puts
Vertical Debit Spreads – Calls Puts
Butterflies & Long Condors
Calendars & Calendar Diagonals
And More…. - Progression of hedging using options
- Trading risk management
Matching Vertical Options Spreads for Hedging Adjustments
How, Why & When to HEDGE - Resources:
Assignment Risk
Expiration Risk
Auto Exercise & Assignment
Standard Deviation Risk Comparison - Option Trading Library
- And much more…
I retired from my job as a radiographer (medical imaging technologist) about 10 years ago, after working for 50 years. I am 84 years of age and about 5 years ago I wanted to do something to supplement my pension and I came to know about options trading. I attended Option etic courses here in Perth and started trading on straight calls and puts. I did not do well, and I stopped trading for a year. Then I came across your presentation and I decided not to give up and registered for your courses. I find it all much easier to understand now after your courses. Best regards
This course is designed to teach you in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step format, everything you’ll need to know about trading options, the option strategies to use and a selection process to use for selecting which option strategy to trade and how to trade it for the market environment you’re trading.
No more ‘OSC’ – Option Strategy Confusion!
Like everyone, I like a great deal, so I’ve put together a great one for you…
Here’s What You Will Receive….
Access to live 6+ Hour
When & How to Use Which Option Strategy for the Best Results W.S.
- Bonus Specials:
- Recorded: “Option Masters Workshop”
- Recorded, “Fibonacci Price Target Mapping Course”
- Recorded, “Get Started Trading Options Today”
- 1 Month Trial Membership: “PCT Trading Club”
- Software: PCT Cycle Reversal Indicator
- Software: PCT Extreme Range Band Indicator
- Bonus 7: Follow Up Coaching Q&A
- Bonus 8: Options Trading Tutorial
- Live Course & Q&A Recorded in 30 Minute Modules
- Training Manual of Course & Handouts
I have to mention one thing. I’m subscribed to a lot of services who send out trade alerts. Some are good others are not that great. But one thing that I would like people to know is when I get a trade alert from Larry, I do it blindly as time has shown me that this man is dead accurate in his recommendations! Thank you for your great service!
Waleed I’ve been w/ Larry for 3 months. After 20 years of trading, I’ve found Larry to be THE BEST trainer/coach in the business. I joined for a year and paid for my annual fee within 2 weeks, and that was doing small, trial trades. It will be THE BEST INVESTMENT that you will ever make. Go with the ELITE pkg. Great group of traders in the Trading Club, too
Course Bonuses
Larry’s courses are well worth your time. He is the Matt Damon in “Good Will Hunting”. He looks at the numbers on the blackboard (options) that no one can figure out – and he just “sees it”!! Take that as a compliment!
Ken Larry, you are a natural at mixing and matching various option strategies. Your mind’s working amazes me.
Bonus Special 1
Recorded Option Masters Workshop To Get You Started
A comprehensive, 6+ Hour recorded Option Masters course, broken down into 30-minute modules for easy viewing.
Detailed, 368-page, Power-Point trading manual of entire course.
This in-depth, option masters course has a greater focus on the Option Greeks. Plus, which option strategy to use and when and how with detailed trade examples of each strategy.
Bonus Special 2
Price Target Mapping Using Fibonacci & More
All New, On-Demand, Step-by-Step, Fibonacci Course on how to gain a major trading edge using, Fibonacci & Price Target Mapping in your swing trades or day trades….
This Price Target Mapping Process is based:
- Fibonacci price target analysis
- Moving average- automated trend lines
- Price action support/resistance levels
- Standard deviation price target forecasting
- Unusual option price activity
- And the foundation of this process is Fibonacci…
You’ll receive this new 3+ Hour Recorded Course & Complete 139 Page Course Manual + Course Handouts
Bonus Special 3
Start Trading Options Today
New On-Demand, Option Beginners Course…With complete training manual and videos…
This comprehensive and easy to understand option training is the perfect introductory course for the beginner option trader or investor.
Course Summary:
- The Benefits of Options Vs. Stocks
- Insider Tips You’ll Want Before You Trade Options
- Must Know Options Basics
- Mastering Puts Vs. Calls
- Option Expiration
- Beginner Option Strategy 1 Covered Calls for Easy Income on Stocks
- Intermediate Option Strategy 2 Income and Protection Strategy with Collar (Hedge)
- Resources
Bonus Special 4
Power Cycle Trading Club
Today I got back to work fulltime at Mandalay Bay Convention (banquets) here in Vegas. They shut us down 4/16/2020. Larry and his trading service have helped me survive the last yr. THANKS!
Richard Larry just wanted to say my options knowledge has leaped exponentially since joining your trading room! Reading books is fine but seeing the actual option trade set-ups makes a huge difference. Thanks.
Jay Larry, Ditto..
Bonus Special 5
PCT Cycle Reversal Indicator
PCT Cycle Reversal Indicator is a Percentage Range Momentum Indicator based on Relative Strength. It measures overbought & oversold levels & signals in advance a potential market reversal, one to two periods in advance.
This indicator has an upper & lower study. The lower study shows the overbought & oversold condition plus a Cycle Reversal. The upper study gives a Cycle High Reversal Signal with a down arrow & an up arrow for a Cycle Low Reversal. Can be used across any time interval. Used for Swing Trades, L.T. & Day Trades.
Bonus Special 6
PCT Extreme Range Band Indicator
The PCT Extreme Range Band Indicator identifies price extremes – when price is too extended from its mean.
An alert signal for buying or selling exhaustion. This is the first signal that a security is starting to reverse.
Very accurate in signaling, in advance, a potential swing trade or long-term market reversal.
Bonus Special 8
Option Trading Tutorial
You’ll receive my 60-page options guide, with videos, that covers the foundation of option trading, the Greeks, & how to use them in your option trading.
- The Greeks: Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Implied Volatility
- Pricing the Option
- The Market Makers Secret
- Standard Deviation
- Option Delta & Trade Probability
- And more…
Bonus Special 9
Top 15 Option Strategy Guide
Details on 15 Key Option Strategies Trade Construction & When to Use
Texan, Denton Cooley was the world’s best heart surgeon… Larry is the financial markets Low Risk/High Profitability Options Master!
Here are a few sample Alerts to see how they work….
The trade set-up alert list of stocks and ETFs is based on a Breakout Trade Scanning Process I designed specifically to find high winning probability breakout setups early in a cycle before the breakout without having you manually comb through thousands of charts and indexes?
It’s a Scanning Process that:
- Scans hundreds of stocks to identify high probability breakout set-ups, based on the volatility compression squeeze chart pattern and momentum flows
- Scans the Daily, Weekly & Monthly Time Frame for the volatility compression squeeze chart pattern
- Identifies probable breakout direction based on price momentum flows
- Validates a trade breakout strength, based on momentum flows, across multiple time frames, using a Multi Time Frame Squeeze Alert Indicator
- Scans to quickly identify and establish a watch list of these powerful breakout set-ups for Swing Trades & Long-Term Trend Trades in order to act quickly to catch the breakout before it breaks out…
- Builds a list of securities that have just broken out of a volatility compression squeeze…provides potential momentum trades that are just gaining momentum
- The list is then screened to pick the best breakout set-ups based on chart pattern, Fibonacci support & resistance, moving average support & resistance and trend lines
QQQ Put Debit Spread
QQQ Put Debit Spread Adjusted to Put Butterfly
I know it’s a lot, but it’s what you’ll need to know to become a successful option trader or investor.
Plus, all this information will be broken into easy to understand live and follow up training with video, and a paper manual you can download, for those of you, like me, who still like pen and paper!
I’ll take you step by step through the course and be there to support you as you master these options strategies and the option strategy selection process for selecting the best option strategy for the market environment being trading….
NO MORE ‘OSC’ [Option Strategy Confusion]!
Why would you listen to me?
Over the past three decades I’ve been actively trading in the financial securities markets.
Trading is my passion. I knew this in my twenties, and this is the career path I chose to pursue. Eventually, as Executive Vice President of one of the largest international oil trading companies in the world, I managed the international trading desk where we traded and managed billions of dollars’ worth of oil, foreign exchange and financial market derivatives.
My trading group was one of the first to trade over the counter options on cargoes of foreign crude oil and traded millions of barrels of these crude oil option contracts.
I’ve been involved with a number of hedge funds on a consulting basis and in 2009 I set up an over-the-counter crude oil options brokerage desk for the world’s largest privately-owned oil Brokerage Company.
I have a fascination for all things trading, so I have studied hundreds of trading systems and models and have used just about every option strategy known.
And trading options is my passion…
EXCELLENT, clear and understandable education of the risks and rewards available using these option strategies and when and how to use them …
Louis Larry – you are a MASTER of so many trading ideas!!!
Pam The Ultimate Option Guide When & How to Use Which Strategy for The Best Results, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)
Fibonacci Price Target Mapping Course
- Module 1
- Module 2a
- Module 2b
- Module 3
- Powerpoint Price Mapping Fibonacci Workshop 2-27-22 Distribution
Option Mastery
- Option Trading for Beginners Course August 2020
- The Ultimate Option Guide Workshop When & How to Use Which Option Strategy For the Best Results
- Ultimate Option Strategy Guide Masters Trading Workshop Oct 2021
Product Tool Indicators
- Extreme Price Range Bands Indicator Video
- PCT Extreme Price Range Bands Indicator
- PCT Cycle Reversal Indicators
- PCT Trading Model Tutorial PCT Model Setup Manual
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