
The Complete Cyber Security Course: Volume 1–4

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $42.00.

This course covers the fundamental building blocks of your required skill set – You will understand the threat and vulnerability landscape through threat modeling and risk assessments.


The Complete Cyber Security Course: Volume 1–4

The Complete Cyber Security Course: Volume 1–4

The Complete Cyber Security Course : Hackers Exposed!
Volume 1 : Learn how to stop hackers, prevent tracking, advanced anonymous browsing and counter government surveillance.

Created by Nathan House, Last updated 2/2017
Learn a practical skill-set in defeating all online threats, including – advanced hackers, trackers, malware, zero days, exploit kits, cybercriminals and more.

Go from a beginner to advanced in this easy to follow expert course.
Covering all major platforms – Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, MacOS and Linux.

This course covers the fundamental building blocks of your required skill set – You will understand the threat and vulnerability landscape through threat modeling and risk assessments.

We explore the Darknet and mindset of the cyber criminal. Covering malware, exploit kits, phishing, zero-day vulnerabilities and much more.

You will learn about the global tracking and hacking infrastructures that nation states run. Covering the NSA, FBI, CIA, GCHQ, Chinas MSS and other intelligence agencies capabilities.

You will understand the foundations of operating system security and privacy functionality. A close look at the new Windows 10 privacy issues and how to best mitigate them.

There is a complete easy to follow crash course on encryption, how encryption can be bypassed and what you can do to mitigate the risks.

Master defenses against phishing, SMShing, vishing, identity theft, scam, cons and other social engineering threats.

Finally we cover the extremely important, but underused security control of isolation and compartmentalization. Covering sandboxes, application isolation, virtual machines, Whonix and Qubes OS.

This is volume 1 of 4 of your complete guide to cyber security privacy and anonymity.

The Complete Cyber Security Course : Network Security!
Volume 2 : Network Security, WiFi Security, WiFi Hackers, Firewalls, Wireshark. Plus the Best Password Managers
Created by Nathan House, Last updated 2/2017
After this course, you will be able to discover security vulnerabilities across an entire network, by using network hacking techniques and vulnerability scanning.
You will be able to architect your network for maximum security and prevent local and remote attacks. We also cover the use of custom router firmware to provide you with better network security services.
You will understand the various types of firewalls that are available and what threats each help mitigate.
Including layer 4 firewalls like Iptables on Linux and PF on MacOS and BSD. Virtual firewalls, host-based firewalls and application based firewalls like Pfsence. We cover firewalls on all platforms including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux for all types of use scenarios.
We explore in detail wireless security, the configurations that are required for maximum security and why. How Wi-Fi is hacked and how to mitigate those attacks. Covering everything from encryption weaknesses to evil twins, RF isolation, and Wi-Fi crackers.
You will master network monitoring to discover and identify potential hackers, malware and other adversaries that might be lurking on your network. Using tools like Wireshark, Tcpdump and Syslog.
We then move away from network security and onto the details of how we are tracked online by corporations, nation-states your ISP and others. You will understand the techniques used like zombie super cookies, browser fingerprinting and how browser profiling works so third parties can establish who you are online.
We look at search engine privacy – and how to mitigate the tracking and privacy issues of search engines and their associated services.
Browser security – We cover one of the largest risks online, the browser. The doorway into your system. How to best reduce the attack surface of the browser and harden it for maximum security and privacy. A critical consideration for reducing your risk.
Finally you will fully understand how to best use methods of authentication including passwords and multi-factor authentication – soft tokens and hard tokens.
The best password managers to use and why. How passwords are cracked, and how to mitigate the cracking.
This is volume 2 of 4 of your complete guide to cyber security privacy and anonymity.

The Complete Cyber Security Course : Anonymous Browsing!

Volume 3 : Anonymous Browsing, Hide my IP, Internet Privacy, Hacker OPSEC, Tor, Proxy Servers and Best VPNs
Created by Nathan House, Last updated 3/2017
Learn a practical skill-set in staying anonymous online and maintaining total privacy against even a well-resourced adversary with global influence.
Covering all major platforms including Windows, MacOS, Linux. iOS and Android. Plus Tails, Whonix, and others.
Go from beginner to expert in this easy to follow advanced course.
We cover in detail all the best anonymising and privacy methods. Including;
VPNs – Virtual Private Networks
Proxy servers – HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKs and Web
SSH Secure Shell
Live Operating Systems – Tails, Knoppix, Puppy Linux, Jondo live, Tiny Core Linux
OPSEC – Operation Security
I2P – The Invisible Internet Project
Off-site connections – Hotspots and Cafes
Mobile, Cell Phones & Cellular Networks
Bulletproof hosting
and more.

The Complete Cyber Security Course : End Point Protection!
Volume 4 : Antivirus & Malware, Disk Encryption, Finding & Removing Hackers & Malware, Application & Execution Control

Created by Nathan House, Last updated 2/2017
Learn a practical skill-set in securing laptops, desktops and mobile devices from all types of threats, including, advanced hackers, trackers, exploit kits, thieves and much more.

On this course we cover end-point-protection, which is an extremely important and hot topic in cyber security right now!
Go from a beginner to advanced in this easy to follow expert course.
Covering all the major platforms Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android.
Master the selection and implementation of solid disk encryption technology to protect devices from disk decryption attacks.
Understand the current and next generation anti-virus solutions, how they work, how to select the best products and how to implement them successfully.
Covering traditional end-point-protection technologies through to next generation and future technology; application control, execution prevention, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Learn how we can detect and monitor for threats such as malware and hackers through the use of security through deception and detection technologies.
We have fun learning how to seek and destroy system resident malware and hackers. Get up to speed on your hacker hunting!
Learn how to perform operating system hardening to decrease the attacker surfaces of your devices to make them safer.
Explore the best techniques in anti-forensics to securely delete data and meta-data so that it is unrecoverable by even computer forensics experts.
Plus there is more. We end by looking the extremely important topic of email and messenger security. Email has natively poor security, but in this course, I teach you how to overcome those weaknesses and fully secure your communication.

This is volume 4 of 4 of your complete guide to cybersecurity, privacy, and anonymity.

The Complete Cyber Security Course: Volume 1–4 on sensecourse.info


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