Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall – NLP Master Practitioner Training 1988


This 8 day NLP Master Certification program is designed to build on your learnings from the NLP Practitioner. These advanced tools operate at both the conscious and unconscious levels, & are most profound in the context of Personal Development & Professional Coaching.


Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall - NLP Master Practitioner Training 1988

Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall – NLP Master Practitioner Training 1988

SalePage: http://nlptopcoach.com/training/nlp-master-practitioner-triple-certification-training/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoNTxi5TL5gIVg42PCh22VgzCEAAYASAAEgLYPfD_BwE

This 8 day NLP Master Certification program is designed to build on your learnings from the NLP Practitioner. These advanced tools operate at both the conscious and unconscious levels, & are most profound in the context of Personal Development & Professional Coaching.

Each technique is delivered through a process of theory, demonstration, hands – on practice, de-brief and Q&A. In addition to learning new skills, you will also learn how to identify and remove limiting belief & conflicting values in yourself & others. NOW is the time to unleash your Power for Success & Happiness.


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