
Stephen Porges and Deb Dana – Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory in Trauma Treatment – Integrating the Science of Safety, Trust, Self-Regulation and Attachment

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $147.00.

When the nervous system is in self-protection mode, your clients are physically incapable of feeling safe, connecting with others or healing mental and physical wounds, which compounds their suffering.


Stephen Porges and Deb Dana - Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory in Trauma Treatment - Integrating the Science of Safety, Trust, Self-Regulation and Attachment

Stephen Porges and Deb Dana – Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory in Trauma Treatment – Integrating the Science of Safety, Trust, Self-Regulation and Attachment

Sale Page: https://catalog.pesi.com/sales/bh_c_001341_polyvagaltheory_organic-102244

Scientific evidence reveals how to help your clients feel safe enough to get to the REAL issues so they can finally heal from trauma, depression, addiction and other mental health challenges

Traumatic events rewire your clients’ nervous system—keeping the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in a constant physiological state that supports fear and defense. This can make them easily agitated, always scanning the environment for signs of danger, or numb and completely shut off from the world.

When the nervous system is in self-protection mode, your clients are physically incapable of feeling safe, connecting with others or healing mental and physical wounds, which compounds their suffering.

You can help them find their way back to safety by leveraging the revolutionary tools and insight from the Polyvagal Theory.


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