
SSL Complete Guide HTTP To HTTPS

Original price was: $139.99.Current price is: $42.00.

This is the most complete practical SSL guide here on Udemy that includes tons of practical activities. All practice exercises are performed on a real domain and real hosting and finally you will get production ready solution with HTTPS setup and redirection of HTTP to HTTPS.


SSL Complete Guide HTTP To HTTPS

SSL Complete Guide HTTP To HTTPS

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to install SSL/TLS Certificate on the web server
  • What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS
  • What is CA (Certificate Authority) and how chain of trust is built
  • How TLS certificate is structured (subject name, issuer name, validity period, signature etc.)
  • Let’s Encrypt free certificates that are valid 90 days. Certbot ACME client for automatic certificate issuing and renewal
  • Cloudflare reverse proxy with free SSL certificates
  • CSR (Certificate Signing Request), domain validation and certificate installation
  • Install and configure NGINX web server for SSL/TLS encryption


  • Basic computer knowledge
  • Any computer (Mac or PC)

This course is all about securing websites with SSL/TLS certificates.

Become a master of HTTPS, Let’s Encrypt, Cloudflare, NGINX and SSL/TLS Certificates.


This is the most complete practical SSL guide here on Udemy that includes tons of practical activities. All practice exercises are performed on a real domain and real hosting and finally you will get production ready solution with HTTPS setup and redirection of HTTP to HTTPS. You can have zero knowledge about computer networks, encryption, configuration of web servers. All will be taught from scratch, from simple setup to complex solution. If you want to get deep knowledge of SSL and HTTPS this course is for you!

We will start by exploring basics of symmetric encryption algorithms like AES,  asymmetric encryption RSA, hashing protocols MD5 and SHA.  Also I will explain you fundamentals of computer networks, TCP/IP stack and for that we will use Wireshark traffic analyzer.

SSL Complete Guide HTTP To HTTPS on sensecourse.info

You will learn what is the structure of the SSL/TLS certificate. Also you will understand why CAs (Certificate Authorities) are needed and how chain of trust is built.



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