
Sofia Sundari – Yoni Yoga

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $90.00.

With practice you sensitise your body. You connect deeply with your Yoni. You revitalise your entire being. You boost and harmonise your sex drive. You balance your hormones (say goodbye to PMS and menopausal symptoms).


Sofia Sundari - Yoni Yoga

Sofia Sundari – Yoni Yoga

Salepage: https://beducated.com/courses-old/yoni-yoga/

Every woman is capable of standing fully present in her power and experiencing exquisite orgasms.

So if that’s true, why are so many not there yet?

It’s because we are taught not to. Sexuality in the 21st century is still something that is repressed, we’re not supposed to speak about or claim for ourselves.

There is a lot of conditioning that makes many people believe that sexuality is dirty, and we all carry a degree of shame around it…

Many women live a life disconnected from their vaginas.

This disconnect results in numbness, which is one of the main reasons why we don’t feel pleasure. That’s why so many women don’t feel satisfied with their sex life.

The majority of women simply don’t know how to change their situation, and so they end up giving up on their pleasure altogether.

The answer to the ‘How’ lies in a wonderful practice that was developed thousands of years ago in ancient China.

There it was known that in order to be a powerful leader and live a healthy and prosperous life, members of royal families needed to harness and master their sexual energy. Women were encouraged to hold a crystal in the very core of their being, close to their womb. This practice was kept secret for many years.

But today this long kept secret is no longer hidden. And it is accessible to you!

It is called the Yoni Egg practice.

yoni yona egg

What is this powerful Yoni Egg you might be asking?

And practicing with it the way Sofia teaches in this Online Course results in numerous amazing benefits for our expanded sexual and orgasmic nature.

With practice you sensitise your body. You connect deeply with your Yoni. You revitalise your entire being. You boost and harmonise your sex drive. You balance your hormones (say goodbye to PMS and menopausal symptoms). You awaken to your mystical sensuality. You start feeling your feminine power. You heal sexual trauma. And you open up to a whole new dimension of orgasmic pleasure!

In this course you’ll be taken on a journey of holistic sexual empowerment.

yoni yoga course
To unleash the erotic you, the powerful you, the orgasmic you, and to connect with the feminine and the sacred you.

Your Instructor:

Sofia Sundari

Hi, this is Sofia. I am a Tantra teacher and the creatress of Mystical Femininity. I am fully dedicated to my path of the feminine mystic. On this path I never stop expanding my horizons, and I welcome those who are ready to join me with open arms.

In my work I offer people an expanded view of what this human existence can really look like. I invite my students to question beliefs that are deeply ingrained in society. These are beliefs about the nature of our sexuality, emotions, relationships and life in general. I offer an alternative to confused mindsets and habits. I bring a space in which our darkness stops being shameful, and actually nourishes our light, where spirituality and sexuality are one.

“Sofia Lives What She Is Talking About. Her Gift Is to Create a Sacret Temple.” ~ Bianca

There are many things that I teach people, many powerful techniques and practices. But I see my role mostly in providing a sacred and safe space for people to be able to tap into things they already knew but maybe never had permission to express.

The Yoni Egg transformed my life from inside out

The biggest shift of my life happened when I discovered Tantra,

began owning my sexuality and started experiencing deep orgasms. That was when I discovered the Yoni Egg practice.

No one could really tell me much about exactly what to do with it. But I was so fascinated by the Yoni Egg that I kept researching, developing exercises and practicing daily. It didn’t take long (only a matter of a few days of practice, really!) until the pleasure I was experiencing in sex sky-rocketed, and even my partner after one of our passionate love making sessions told me: “Wow, your Yoni feels amazing, what did you do to her?”

I began feeling more. I began reclaiming my Yoni as the powerful and sacred place that she is.
I am so honoured and excited to be able to offer you a complete step by step guide into this mystical practice


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