
Sex Made Simple: Clinical Strategies For Sexual Issues In Therapy

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This once-romantic couple had become a marital and sexual disaster. Their sex was a roller-coaster ride; at times romantic and exciting and at other times sex was awkward and inhibited. And most sexual encounters were followed by accusations and defensiveness.


Sex Made Simple: Clinical Strategies For Sexual Issues In Therapy

Sex Made Simple Clinical Strategies For Sexual Issues In Therapy

Steve claimed: “Marriage killed my sex life.”

Mary claimed: “My perfect lover turn into a macho jerk after we got married.”

This once-romantic couple had become a marital and sexual disaster. Their sex was a roller-coaster ride; at times romantic and exciting and at other times sex was awkward and inhibited. And most sexual encounters were followed by accusations and defensiveness.

They had failed several attempts at marriage counseling – because those counselors failed them.

Sex can bring out the worst in a couple. Mary ended up having a short affair with an old boyfriend and when Steve found out about the Mary’s affair he was shocked. Steve was torn between wanting Mary and the marriage, but feeling his masculinity was under attack and wanting a divorce.

Their relationship changed after they saw a renowned psychologist and expert sex therapist, Barry McCarthy, Ph.D. Barry has an approach for working with couples to rebuild relationships by getting to the core of each individuals’ sexual issues and teaches them how to develop a new sexual style.

As a therapist who works with individuals and/or couples, you too can implement his session-by-session method and start to permanently heal your clients’ relationship wounds. Watch Dr. McCarthy to learn his approach and witness your clients’ transformation from seeing sex as an individual pass/fail test of sexual performance to a sexual relationship of roles, meanings and varying outcomes.

  1. Analyze healthy and variant sexual desire comparisons and differences as it relates to clinical treatment.
  2. Utilize a sexuality history assessment with your client to inform clinical treatment interventions
  3. Develop a treatment plan using client’s sexual strengths, vulnerabilities and problems assessment tool.
  4. Explore anxiety, depression, PTSD and other mental health factors that may be impacting client’s sexuality.
  5. Incorporate strategies to aid with client’s sexual and emotional recovery from affairs.
  6. Suggest psychosexual skill exercises for clients to promote desire, pleasure, eroticism and satisfaction in affair recovery.

Get Sex Made Simple: Clinical Strategies for Sexual Issues in Therapy of author  Barry W McCarthy, PHD, ABPP only  price 79$

  • Confidently Broach All Things Sexual with Your Clients
    • Confront sex myths
    • Desire, pleasure, eroticism and satisfaction
    • Address issues of the role and meaning of sexual desire
    • Embrace the positive functions of sexuality in individual and couple therapy
  • Assess Sexual Issues with Individuals and Couples
    • Conduct a sexual history with your client (with confidence and effectiveness!)
    • Implement a comprehensive four session assessment model
    • Develop a treatment plan and identify goals with a sexual strengths, vulnerabilities and problem assessment
  • Sexual Challenges for Individual and Couple Therapy
    • Assist clients to take personal responsibility for sexual initiation and rejection
    • Issues of desire, sexual frequency and sexual power struggles
    • Confront sexual avoidance
    • Shame and vulnerability
  • Deal with Sexual Secrets
    • Sexual and emotional recovery from affairs
    • Pornography, prostitution, cross dressing, cybersex and other variant arousal issues
    • The problem and place for fetish-based desire
    • Issues of sexual orientation
  • Address Complex Emotional and Sexual Issues
    • Sexual issues with gay couples
    • Sexual dissatisfaction in relationships
    • Second marriages
    • Anxiety, depression, PTSD and other mental health issues that impact sexuality
    • Move toward healthy sex with clients who have a history of sexual trauma
  • Help Clients Maintain Satisfying, Secure, Sexual Lives
    • Psychosexual skill exercises to enhance comfort, attraction and trust
    • Sex past 60: Address issues of sexuality as we age
    • Sexual strategies with medical and medication issues
    • Cope with Infertility
    • Make the right referral: Urologist, gynecologist or therapist

Sex Made Simple: Clinical Strategies For Sexual Issues In Therapy on sensecourse.info


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