
Sex, Desire, and Relationship Issues Interventions from Leading Sex Experts Emily Nagoski, PhD and Tammy Nelson, PhD

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $107.00.

Dr. Nelson will walk you step-by-step through the phases of her evidence-based model of integrated sex and couples therapy treatment. You’ll be better equipped to work with even your most challenging cases.


Sex, Desire, and Relationship Issues Interventions from Leading Sex Experts Emily Nagoski, PhD and Tammy Nelson, PhD

Sex, Desire, and Relationship Issues Interventions from Leading Sex Experts Emily Nagoski, PhD and Tammy Nelson, PhD

Sale Page: https://catalog.pesi.com/sales/bh_c_001430_sexdesirerelationship_organic-155917

4 out of 5 clients in psychotherapy will complain about their relationships or sex lives. Are you equipped to help?

Join two preeminent sex and relationship experts in a groundbreaking self-directed courseEmily Nagoski, Ph.D., award-winning, New York Times bestselling author and sex education expert and Tammy Nelson, Ph.D., internationally acclaimed psychotherapist, Board Certified Sexologist, Certified Sex Therapist and Certified Imago Relationship Therapist.

Dr. Nelson will walk you step-by-step through the phases of her evidence-based model of integrated sex and couples therapy treatment. You’ll be better equipped to work with even your most challenging cases. You will gain practical interventions to help clients improve their relationships, balance desire discrepancies, work through betrayal and feel more passionate.

With Dr. Nagoski, you will gain new knowledge and practical tools to achieve transformational results on:

  • The Body Arousal System – you’ll be amazed at what you don’t know!
  • The Science of Attachment – from the sex and desire perspective
  • Sex and The Trauma Survivor – the understanding and language you need to give the client

PLUS, today’s registration includes a FREE e-book: Integrative Sex & Couples Therapy: A Therapist’s Guide to New and Innovative Approaches that features new approaches combining sex therapy and relationship counseling.

Best of all, this innovative course is set up for you to learn at your own pace and you can keep these invaluable tools forever!


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