Richard Bandler – Bandler Down Under & Magic In action 1988


This is an old video series covering Richard Bandler’s first visit to Australia.


Richard Bandler – Bandler Down Under & Magic In action 1988

Richard Bandler - Bandler Down Under & Magic In action 1988

This is an old video series covering Richard Bandler’s first visit to Australia. While the videos are no longer available, the point of them is to to share how Richard Bandler introduces his first-time Australian audience to some of the early views and values that inspired him to follow his curiosity for a decade through the seventies, and co-develop the field known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).This is an old video series covering Richard Bandler’s first visit to Australia. While the videos are no longer available, the point of them is to to share how Richard Bandler introduces his first-time Australian audience to some of the early views and values that inspired him to follow his curiosity for a decade through the seventies, and co-develop the field known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Even if the audio can be some time noisy, i think is the best quality we can get.

Richard Bandler – Bandler Down Under & Magic In action 1988 on


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