R L Muehlberg – DayTrading with Lines in the Sky


This guide demonstrates how I used futures, ETFs, and intermarket (debt, equity, currency, commodity), time-of-day, moving average and eSignal (esignal.com) LRC analysis to pick trades during the 2007 U.S. equity market winter crash and spring surge.



R L Muehlberg - DayTrading with Lines in the Sky

R L Muehlberg – DayTrading with Lines in the Sky


Is there room in your trading library for studies on uncommon forms of technical analysis? Are you curious about linear regression channel analysis?

This guide demonstrates how I used futures, ETFs, and intermarket (debt, equity, currency, commodity), time-of-day, moving average and eSignal (esignal.com) LRC analysis to pick trades during the 2007 U.S. equity market winter crash and spring surge.

What should you look for in using LRC analysis? See page 32. Were my LRCs automated? Yes. See page 14. Is LRC analysis useful? Study this guide, then read my articles in Futures magazine (futuresmag.com), search under keyword: muehlberg.


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