Ollie Kenchington – Directing Color


In Directing Color, filmmaker, editor and colorist Ollie Kenchington explores how visual language cues, color theory and even color grading techniques can be used throughout the filmmaking process to not just create a “look” but to enhance storytelling.

Author: Ollie Kenchington


Ollie Kenchington – Directing Color

Ollie Kenchington - Directing Color

 In Directing Color, filmmaker, editor and colorist Ollie Kenchington explores how visual language cues, color theory and even color grading techniques can be used throughout the filmmaking process to not just create a “look” but to enhance storytelling.

He challenges directors, cinematographers and filmmakers to think of color first rather than the more common approach of leaving color considerations until post-production.

Ollie Kenchington – Directing Color on sensecourse.info


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