
Mike Bridges – Unreal 4.22 C++ Developer: Learn C++ And Make Video Games

Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $47.00.

Learn how to create and mod video games using Unreal Engine 4, even if you’re a complete beginner. Unreal is a free-to-use game development engine used by AAA studios and indie developers worldwide. It can be complex beast to get into, but we break it down step-by-step


Mike Bridges – Unreal 4.22 C++ Developer: Learn C++ And Make Video Games

Mike Bridges - Unreal 4.22 C++ Developer: Learn C++ And Make Video Games

Unreal 4.22 C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games

Created in collaboration with Epic Games. Learn C++ from basics while making your first 4 video games in Unreal

“I’m amazed at how much content this course contains and how effective it is at instilling the concepts. So far it has certainly exceeded my expectations of an online coding course. Highly recommend this course to anyone that wants to learn how to begin coding in C++. Worth every penny.”

Jordan Heaton

This “critically-acclaimed” and “insanely successful” Unreal Engine course was created in collaboration with Epic Games.

Learn how to create and mod video games using Unreal Engine 4, even if you’re a complete beginner. Unreal is a free-to-use game development engine used by AAA studios and indie developers worldwide. It can be complex beast to get into, but we break it down step-by-step

Already know Unreal and want to learn VR or Multiplayer? Check out our other Unreal courses, just look for the green leaf for our other world-class Unreal courses.

We super simple so you need no prior experience of Unreal or coding! With our online tutorials, you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. We believe project-based learning is the best way to learn Unreal Engine.

Benefit from our world-class support from both other students, and the instructors who are on the forums regularly. Go on to build several games including a tank game, and a First Person Shooter.

You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss topics on a course-wide basis, or down to the individual video. Our thriving discussion forum will help you learn and share ideas with other students.

You will learn C++, the powerful industry standard language from scratch. By the end of the course you’ll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.

“Any serious game programmer needs to know C++”Jason Gregory, Lead Programmer at Naughty Dog (creators of Uncharted & The Last of Us)

Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unreal Engine is a fantastic platform which enables you to make AAA-quality games. Furthermore these games can be created for Windows, consoles, MacOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source!

If you’re a complete beginner, we’ll teach you all the coding and game design principles you’ll need. If you’re an artist, we’ll teach you to bring your assets to life. If you’re a coder, we’ll teach you game design principles.

What this course DOESN’T cover…

Whereas this course is already huge, we can’t possibly cover everything in that time. Here are some things we will not be covering…

  • Team collaboration topics.
  • Editor plugins or modifications.
  • Physics engine modification.
  • Multiplayer features.

Note: access to this course comes with an optional, free community site where you can share games and 3D mo

dels, as well as connect with other students.

to learn Unreal C++ now, you won’t be disappointed!


“Amazing and very well done. Especially for beginner / mid level skilled. Good for both C++ and Unreal as a ing point.”

– Alessandro Santarini

What you’ll learn in this course:


C++, the games industry standard language.
How to use the Unreal Engine 4 Editor.
Git as a version control and backup system.
Object Oriented Programming and how to put it into practice.
Sound effects and audio to add depth to your games.
Game design principles.
Programming patterns and best practices.
Unreal’s Terrain Editor to create epic landscapes.
Artificial Intelligence behaviour programming for enemies.
Strong and transferable problem solving skills.
Modern game development technologies and techniques.
A fundamental understanding of computers.
Write code that is clean and to understand.
Unreal Gameplay Framework to make games easily.
Advanced vehicle physics.
Blackboard and Behaviour Tree for customizable AI.
Animation Blueprint for custom character animation.
C++ template programming to reduce repetition.
Vector maths for game play and physics calculations.

“I loved the course, there was a lot of insight given to how the engine works and the c++ explanations was great as well, all throughout the course. Well worth the effort.”

– Alex Andersson

Your Instructor


Ben Tristem

Ben has a degree in computing from Imperial College London, and a physics diploma from the Open University.

He ed working for himself at the age of 15, and never looked back. He’s explored careers as varied as being a commercial pilot, stunt-man, rock climbing instructor, and more. None of these provided a continued challenge, and stable income in the same way technology did.

After building and selling a home computer support business, he became an angel investor and business mentor in Cambridge UK. He fell in love with teaching game development through one of his investments, and now spends all of his time sharing this passion with people like you.

He can’t wait to help you experience the fulfilment, and financial freedom, that having a deep understanding of technology brings.

So why not learning to make games with him and the GameDev.tv now?


Course Curriculum (31+ hours)


Introduction and Setup (0 hours 47 minutes)


Meet The GameDev.tv Community (5:58)
Compilers & VS Community (6:07)
Install Prerequisites On MacOS (6:22)
Build Unreal From Source (Linux) (13:56)
Antivirus Warnings
Install Unreal Engine 4.22 (4:35)
Also Install Visual Studio Code (9:11)
Want to Focus on Blueprint?
Section Wrap-up (1:19)

Triple X – Write Pure C++ (2 hours 2 minutes)


Introducing Triple X & Gavin (1:42)
Triple X Game Design Doc (5:00)
The Structure Of C++ By Example (7:39)
Your First Program (7:41)
Saving Files
A note to Windows users
Hello, World! (8:53)
Variables (8:03)
const & Assigning Values (6:18)
Statements & Comments (5:26)
Triple X Quiz 1
MSVC Compilation Warnings [Windows Only]
Naming & Self Documenting Code (7:14)
Getting User Input (8:56)
Using if and else in C++ (7:50)
Functions (11:01)
Returning Data From Functions (8:33)
Triple X Quiz 2
Function Parameters (8:54)
Comparing Values (8:09)
Generating Random Number Ranges (11:36)
Triple X Quiz 3
What Now?


Bulls & Cows (2019 Version) (6 hours 46 minutes)


Hi I’m Mike (1:16)
Introduction To Bull Cow Game (4:30)
Non-English characters
Importing Bull Cow Game (8:25)
Terminal Actor: Non-English Characters Unsupported
The Game Module X Could Not Be Loaded (1:12)
Helping Us Help You (3:31)
A Look Around Unreal (5:35)
Controlling The Viewport (4:01)
Editing Actors In Our Level (10:05)
Adding Actors To The Level (4:53)
Editing the Landscape (8:03)
Quiz 4
Setting Up VS Code In Unreal (4:11)
4.25 VSCode Intellisense Bug (2:57)
Actors And Components (6:04)
Using The In Game Terminal (8:55)
Unreal’s Types – FString (3:46)
The TEXT Macro (3:11)
Quiz 5
Bull Cow Basic Game Loop (4:42)
Accessing Player Input (2:53)
Coding The Basic Game Loop (8:58)
Member Variables (6:13)
Solving Slow Compile Times (4:27)
The Full Game Loop (5:16)
Pseudo Code (10:17)
Quiz 6
Creating Our First Function (9:52)
Finding And Replacing In VS Code (8:06)
The C++ Dot Operator (5:39)
Formatting FStrings (17:43)
Booleans (17:49)
Pre vs Post Increment / Decrement (18:27)
Parameters And Arguments (8:51)
Early Returns (14:33)
Quiz 7
Structure Of An FString (21:27)
Const Member Functions (6:16)
Looping In C++ (15:17)
Checking Characters Part 1 (9:01)
Checking Characters Part 2 (12:36)
TArray Of Hidden Words (7:49)
Loading Words At Runtime
Advanced Cursor Usage In VSCode (5:33)
TArray Functions .Num() (5:47)
Early August Update (1:34)
Logical Operators (6:47)
TArray Functions Adding And Removing (16:19)
Range-Based For Loop (5:33)
Quiz 8
A Quick Look At Memory (5:35)
Introduction To References (13:59)
Random And The UE4 Docs (13:49)
Out Of The Frying Pan (3:41)
Loading Words With A Predicate
Out Parameters (14:58)
Break Out Of A Loop (2:48)
Structs (11:13)
Bull Cow Extras (1:33)
Bull Cow Wrap Up (0:48)

Building Escape (8 hours 51 minutes)


Welcome To Building Escape (2:10)
Building Escape End Goal (5:05)
Setting Up The Building Escape Project (5:51)
Pointer Primer (4:45)
Unreal’s Classes and Components (9:18)
Deleting A Class (3:53)
Quiz 9
Logging To The Output Log (7:02)
Project Settings: Default up Level (1:40)
Accessing An Object’s Name (15:14)
Getting An Actor’s Transform (13:00)
Quiz 10
Importing Custom Meshes (20:46)
Using BSP For Basic Building Blocks (22:54)
BSP Challenge (12:27)
Basic Lighting (9:16)
Quiz 11
Transforming Material Textures (18:17)
Rotating An Actor With Code (16:14)
Object Collision (16:31)
Using Linear Interpolation (19:50)
Quiz 12
Relative Vs Absolute (8:59)
Indentation (6:44)
Exposing Parameters To The Editor (4:49)
Assets Naming Conventions (7:42)
Framerate Independent Using DeltaTime (6:13)
Trigger Volumes (6:30)
Using Collision Volumes (10:56)
Quiz 13
Protecting From A Null Pointer (8:37)
Getting The Player To Open The Door (7:31)
Getting The Door To Close (4:54)
Using GetTimeSeconds() (12:54)
Designer Friendly Components (7:58)
Grabbing System Overview (7:27)
Modifying The Default Pawn Actor (10:55)
Inherit Game Mode Blueprint (6:40)
Getting Player Viewpoint (14:07)
Using DrawDebugLine (15:13)
Line Tracing AKA Ray-Casting (12:35)
Quiz 14
LineTraceSingleByObjectType() (13:40)
Using FindComponentByClass() (11:46)
Introducing Input Binding (13:23)
Accessors & Memory Layout (9:26)
Reducing Code in “Hot Loops” (20:29)
Using Physics Handles (16:20)
Refactoring Rules (18:03)
Iteration Through Valid Actors (21:58)
Pointer Protection Process (11:46)
SFX & Audio Clips (19:01)
Building Escape Final Challenge (9:45)
Building Escape Wrap Up (1:06)

Toon Tanks (4 hours 34 minutes)


Section Intro (0:49)
Project Intro (1:59)
Pawn Class Creation (4:03)
Creating Components (11:13)
Deriving Blueprint Classes (5:17)
Access Modifiers (12:12)
Creating Child C++ Classes (8:06)
Pawn Movement Input (15:53)
Exposing Variables (9:51)
Pawn Turret (13:25)
Find Distance Between (12:59)
Virtual Functions (11:45)
Calling Override Functions (15:13)
Creating Actor Classes (13:02)
Spawning Actors (7:06)
Using Dynamic Delegates (11:43)
Creating GameMode classes (9:42)
Creating a Health Component (6:22)
Adding Health Functionality (8:51)
GameMode – ActorDied (10:04)
Creating Widget Blueprints (11:51)
End Game Widget (3:45)
GameMode Blueprint (7:37)
Debugging our Health Component (7:34)
Player Controllers (10:57)
PawnTank Destruction (5:23)
Spawning Particles (7:13)
Particle Components (4:01)
Playing Sound Effects (5:07)
Creating Camera Shake (6:31)
Implementing Camera Shake (3:47)
Wrap-up And Challenges (10:40)

Simple Shooter (8 hours 19 minutes)


Section Intro: Simple Shooter (2:02)
Project Setup (9:55)
Pawns vs Characters in C++ (12:33)
Character Movement Functions (17:22)
Controller Aiming (13:30)
Third Person Camera Spring Arm (8:57)
Skeletal Animations 101 (8:20)
Editing Collision Meshes (5:09)
Animation Blueprints 101 (13:15)
2D Blend Spaces (10:28)
Connecting Animation To Gameplay (8:59)
Inverse Transforming Vectors (9:38)
Calculating Animation Speeds (11:54)
Gun Actors (11:34)
Spawning Actors At Runtime (6:37)
Attaching To Meshes Via Sockets (10:20)
Shooting Architecture (6:14)
Spawning Particle Effects (8:14)
Player View Point (10:52)
Line Tracing By Channel (12:28)
Impact Effects (4:37)
Dealing Damage To Actors (8:04)
Virtual Methods In C++ (10:15)
Overriding TakeDamage (9:06)
Blending Animations By Booleans (4:41)
Blueprint Pure Nodes (6:28)
Create and Setup an AI controller (3:59)
AI Aiming (6:13)
Nav Mesh And AI Movement (10:48)
Checking AI Line Of Sight (7:39)
BehaviorTrees And Blackboards (8:06)
Setting Blackboard Keys In C++ (5:54)
Behavior Tree Tasks And Sequences (8:24)
BT Decorators And Selectors (12:12)
Custom BTTasks In C++ (7:53)
Executing BTTasks (10:31)
BTTasks That Use The Pawn (10:48)
BTServices In C++ (15:04)
Ignoring Actors In Line Traces (6:03)
Ending The Game (10:16)
Setting Timers In C++ (10:10)
Displaying A Lose Screen (11:32)
Iterating Over Actors (10:25)
Calculating The Win Condition (12:20)
Refactoring PullTrigger (7:53)
Weapon Sound Effects (6:35)
Randomized Sound Cues (8:35)
Sound Spatialization (6:45)
Crosshairs and HUDs (7:42)
Health Bars (7:50)
AimOffsets (12:04)
Animation State Machines (10:03)
Complex State Machines (13:00)
Wrap-up And Challenges (8:49)

Extras (0 hours 0 minutes)


All Downloads
All Section Slides

Updates and Important Messages (0 hours 0 minutes)


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Mike Bridges – Unreal 4.22 C++ Developer: Learn C++ And Make Video Games on sensecourse.info


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