Lion Goodman Basic Clear Your Beliefs
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The process involves all three levels of the mind: Subconscious, Conscious, and Superconscious. You’re in charge at every step. You decide what you want to believe, and how far you want to go.
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Lion Goodman Basic Clear Your Beliefs
Negative Beliefs – Permanently!
An 8-week guided journey into your
subconscious mind to delete negative beliefs,
heal core wounds, and resolve traumas –
so you can shine your light into the world.
The Clear Your Beliefs Program allows you to…
Release pain and hurts from the past
Open to deeper, more profound love
Recognize your true spiritual nature
Become more calm and less reactive
Rediscover the source of your personal power
Clear whatever stops you from taking action
Open yourself to new possibilities of success
Eliminate blocks and barriers easily
Discover your true purpose
Express your true magnificence
How and Why It Works So Well
Beliefs are the major cause of unhappiness, upsets, and limitations. The Clear Your Beliefs Program eliminates those beliefs at the core of your psyche.
The process involves all three levels of the mind: Subconscious, Conscious, and Superconscious. You’re in charge at every step. You decide what you want to believe, and how far you want to go. Your CYB Coach will guide you, gently, step-by-step, through the process. Unlike other methods, the changes you make are permanent – your old beliefs don’t come back.
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About headshotA Note from Lion Goodman, PCC
Creator of the Clear Beliefs Method
I’ve been a consciousness explorer for more than 40 years. During those decades, I searched for tools that would open my mind, heal my past, and make me more successful. I experimented with dozens of methods of psychological growth, spiritual practice, and esoteric disciplines. At the same time, I was also a businessman and entrepreneur. I built a million-dollar consulting firm working with senior executives and Fortune 1000 companies.
All of this experience has culminated in the programs I offer here. Throughout my journey, I discovered the power of beliefs. Because beliefs actually create our experience, we can change our experience by changing our beliefs. This includes the beliefs we hold about ourselves, about others, and about the world. Beliefs are not “right or wrong,” “good or bad,” or “true or false.” They’re simply tools we use to shape our reality.
So the important questions are:
What do I want to experience?
What belief is creating this experience I don’t want?
How can I change my belief so I can change my experience?
This is the most effective belief-change method that we know of. Clients and students call it “A Magic Wand for changing your life.”
I’m happy that you’ve found your way here. Now, take action. Begin this exciting adventure by reading my free eBook.
If you want to really clean out your subconscious beliefs, register for the Clear Your Beliefs guided program. Your CYB Coach will guide you, step by step, through the process. You’ll examine whatever is interfering with your life, and you’ll discover the belief or beliefs at the core of the issue. Then you’ll eliminate them, one by one.
You’ll feel better. You’ll function better. Life will get easier, because the resistance and blocks that have held you back just melt away – like magic.
Did I mention that it’s easy? And also a lot of fun?
I look forward to hearing your feedback. I’m always available to you to support your journey.
Get the FREE eBook, “Clear Your Beliefs”
Learn everything you need to know about beliefs – where they come from, how they color and shape our perceptions, and limit our possibilities, and how to change them. The book includes a powerful exercise to begin your exploration into your subconscious mind, so you can delete the beliefs that hold you back.
Get The FREE eBook
Try our iOS App
The App: iClearIt – for iPhones and iPads
The iClearIt App gives you the power to clear any physical discomfort, unwanted feelings, emotion, or pain – in just ten to fifteen minutes. A video coach will guide you through each step. Download it and try it for FREE one time. If you want to use it again and again, the cost is only $4.99 to unlock it permanently. Available for iPhone and iPad.
Why Aren’t You Living the Life Of Your Dreams Right Now?
You’re seeking a better life, and you’ve been on the path of personal growth for some time. You’ve tried many teachers and methods. You’ve had some breakthrough experiences and epiphanies. You’ve made progress toward your goals.
Yet you continue to fall back into old habits and patterns. In some ways, life remains a struggle against your own internal blocks and resistance, preventing you from moving forward with ease and grace.
What If You Could Permanently Delete Old Habits And Patterns – So They Didn’t Come Back?
Hundreds of teachers and organizations offer the next miracle cure for what they believe ails you. They promise to improve some area of your life or business, yet their “fixes” tend to wear off over time. After taking their program, you’re revved up, transformed, and ready to go.
Two weeks later, you’re mostly doing the same things as before. Your issues have returned to haunt you. Nothing significant has changed. You’re still not taking consistent actions to reach your goals or change your life.
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Why Does This Happen?
Have you heard the myth, “It takes 30 days to change a habit?” It’s not true. Research shows that some simple habits can be changed in only 30 days, but to make significant life changes, it takes much more time and practice.
Neuroscientists call the brain’s ability to change over time “neuroplasticity.”
It can take months – or years – of hard work to shift old patterns of behavior. Eventually, new habits will replace the old ones. But that requires consistent, steady efforts – and most people give up long before that happens.
To Make Real Change, You Have To Get To The Root of Things
The best doctors seek the source of the dis-ease. They don’t just treat your symptoms. When the cause of the problem is solved – where the illness is being generated – you return to health.
When you pull weeds up by the roots, they don’t grow back. What is at the root of your old habits and patterns? What is actually causing so much unhappiness, frustration, and limitation?
Beliefs Are The Foundation Of Your Experience
Your psychological, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease are caused primarily by your beliefs. Most people think of beliefs as “consciously held convictions.”
Our strongest and most deeply held beliefs are actually unconscious. They are at the root of all the habits and patterns in our life. But we’re only dimly aware of them, or not aware of them at all.
Beliefs are at the core of every experience, decision, and pattern in our lives.
There are many other terms for what we call BELIEFS:
Meaning Maps
Neural Pathways
Personality Infrastructure
Implicit Memories
Beliefs are the literal foundational components of human consciousness. We build our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes upon that foundation.
We literally create our reality with our beliefs.
If you build a house on a shaky ground, it doesn’t matter how much redecorating you do. It will buckle, and eventually fall. You can fervently practice meditation, visualization, or business building skills, but if there are sneaky saboteurs in the basement of your mind, pulling the foundation out from under you, you won’t be able to achieve permanent success.
Upgrade Your Human Operating System
Your brain/mind is more sophisticated than the fastest supercomputer. Like a computer, you have an underlying Operating System. If your O.S. has faulty programming, havoc results – especially when you try to run a sophisticated application – like managing your life.
Negative beliefs operate like a badly programmed operating system, making a mess of everything else, and preventing you from doing what you came here to do.
Do you ever have thoughts like these?
I’m not enough.
I can’t do it.
I’m not worthy.
I’ll never be like them.
I’m all alone.
I need to do more (or better) to be accepted.
There’s something wrong with me.
I’m fundamentally flawed.
Nobody wants what I have to offer.
If I speak up, something bad will happen.
You may hear inner voices that use these phrases to criticize or diminish you. This type of belief can cause depression, self-loathing, over-achieving, self-sacrifice, and other negative conditions.
At the core of every bad feeling you have about yourself, and every limitation you have, there’s a belief operating in the background, like an annoying little machine that you can’t turn off.
Here’s the good news: Every belief, no matter how deep, can be pulled up for examination, and changed. Simply and easily.
The Garden Of Your Mind
When you build a new garden, you begin by clearing the ground, removing rocks and weeds. Then you amend the soil and install a watering system so your plants will thrive. Only THEN do you plant the fruits, vegetables and flowers you want to grow and enjoy.
The same thing is true in your subconscious mind:
First clear the old beliefs out of the way, THEN install new, empowering beliefs you want to enjoy.
It’s that simple.
Beliefs Reside In The Subconscious Mind
If you want to change your beliefs, you have to work with them where they live. Your conscious mind isn’t the right tool for making changes in your subconscious – it’s like tilling the garden with a screwdriver.
To pull old beliefs out by the root, you need an effective method that dives down to the core of your psyche – deeper than words can go, deeper than talk therapy, or weekend workshops.
When you make changes in your subconscious mind directly, change is permanent. You become different. Life becomes different.
A shift at the core of the psyche expands out like a pebble’s wave in a still pond – effortlessly and easily. The new beliefs you choose simply manifest – without repetition, resistance or struggle.
Beliefs Are The Lens Through Which You See The World
How you see yourself is determined by your beliefs – most of which were indoctrinated into you.
How you view others is colored by your beliefs about them.
Your experience of the world is shaped (and often distorted) by your beliefs. Your entire life experience is constructed by the beliefs you’ve accumulated since you were an infant.
Change the lens of your beliefs, and you’ll change both your perception and your experience. Change your beliefs, and your circumstances and your possibilities will also change.
It’s that simple.
Why Beliefs Are Difficult To Change
Many people agree that, “Your beliefs create your reality,” and tell you to “Just change your beliefs!” Few offer specific tools that will change your beliefs permanently. There’s a good reason: Beliefs reside in your subconscious mind – below the level of conscious awareness.
When you were young, your parents and caregivers indoctrinated you with their beliefs. It began when you were an infant, before you could speak. Those indoctrinated beliefs are buried deep in your pre-verbal memory. Most methods can’t reach the basement where they’re stored.
Your parents and caregivers indoctrinated you for a good reason: they wanted you to survive and thrive. Their beliefs allowed them to survive, so they wanted you to have those beliefs, too – whether they were a good fit for you or not. They didn’t know any better. it’s exactly what their parents did to them.
You formed your self-view and world-view from those indoctrinated beliefs, unconsciously. You didn’t know any better at the time, and you rarely questioned it. It was just “what was so.”
Why We React The Way We Do
When you react to someone or something, you’re seeing old beliefs at work. You may ask yourself afterwards:
Why did I say that?
What’s wrong with me?
Why didn’t I follow through?
Why did I react that way?
What the hell just happened?
“Sudden Reaction Syndrome” can be traced back to the beliefs buried deep in your subconscious mind. Whenever your early childhood beliefs get triggered, the old pattern of reaction jumps up and hijacks your logical, adult mind.
These programs are like mousetraps in your mind’s basement. They lie quietly until someone steps on them. Then they snap, and take control. You suddenly react. Your responses and behavior are suddenly out of your own conscious control.
You can change these reactive patterns – if you’re willing to clean out your basement.
Why Most Belief-Change Methods Don’t Work
eyeHere’s a test for any method of changing beliefs:
Did the problem go away completely? Or did it return in some form?
Every method works for some people, some of the time. If a particular technique creates permanent change, it passes the test. It’s a good methodology for you. But most methods create only temporary relief. Those old beliefs return like unwanted ghosts, and they cause the same problem again and again.
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