Kit Laughlin – Master Shoulder Flexibility


Master Shoulder FlexibilityShoulder Flexibility1. L1: Shoulder mobility•Make circles as large as you can•Make some arm-only movements; add more joints as you warm up2. L2: Rubber cord sequence


Kit Laughlin – Master Shoulder Flexibility

Kit Laughlin - Master Shoulder Flexibility

Master Shoulder FlexibilityShoulder Flexibility1. L1: Shoulder mobility•Make circles as large as you can•Make some arm-only movements; add more joints as you warm up2. L2: Rubber cord sequence•Use light cords•Experiment with as many angles as you can•Press the hands as far off the body as you can3. L3: Yuri band mobility sequence•Move shoulder only first•Set shoulder in a position, then draw circles and infinity symbols with hand•Add internal and external arm-in-shoulder movements where you can•Have fun with these movements; they feel great.

Master Master Shoulder FlexibilityShoulder Flexibility4. E1A–E1B: Cat poseE1A: Cat pose–stall bars•Hold bars and press away hard; think HS•Partner squeezes knees into hips and leans back to traction arms, shoulders, and spine•Once tensioned, partner leans weight down on shoulder blades. A second partner can do this movement, too.•Once partner’s weightis felt,keep pressing arms away (in plane of the floor) and take your chest down to the floorE1B: Cat pose–floor•Press arms off body hard(like HS); look at thumbs•Ensure hips are above knees•Lower chest to floor, arching upper and middle back•For second version, move R hand to where L was, trap R with L, lower R shoulder slightly, and draw R hip away from R hand.•Repeat for L side5. E2A–E2B: Pec. stretch with fascial dimensionE2A: Pec. stretch –wall version•Stand next to wall with shoulder on the wall (use a pad if you can’t, between shoulder and wall)•Ensure arm angle is 45° to spine•Turn away; other arm in push-up position•Get mild stretch, then use push-up hand to drag waist fascia forward•Rotate wall hip forwards•Cr: press straight arm into wall

Master Master Shoulder FlexibilityShoulder FlexibilityE2B: Pec. stretch –floor version•Make sure arm is 45° to thoracic spine•Other hand push-up position•Press push-up hand shoulder away from floor•If needed, reach top leg back (rest on support as necessary)6. E3: Partner stick pec. stretch•Hold stick in widish grip•Lift chest•Partner place one foot at base of spine; other over shoulder blades•Cr: try to pull stick directly forwards •Re-stretch, then force the air into the top of the chest•Release final position slowly7. E4: Ring single arm reach –solo and partner•Kneel, and hang from single ring•Use other hand to press shoulder away from floor; use body’s weight to stretch.•Partner can add weight and adjust shoulder position•Cr: Sweep holding hand/arm to floor

Master Master Shoulder FlexibilityShoulder Flexibility8. E5: Standing ball–band external rotator cuff strength•Hold band in hand, with loop around thumb•Have ball in between working elbow and waist•Walk away from support to get best tension•While squeezing ball, press band outwards•Try three different angles in the one set•6–9 repetitions9. E6: Wall internal rotator cuff•Lean on wall as shown, forearm parallel to floor•Hold upper arm with other hand•Use friction to hold hand in place•Rotate away from hand to stretch•Cr: try to slide hand along wall against friction10. E7: Standing external rotator cuff•Place fist on waist as shown•Reach other hand to elbow (or use wall to move working arm’s elbow forwards)•Pivot upper arm on fist to stretch•Cr: press elbow backwards

Master Master Shoulder FlexibilityShoulder Flexibility11. E8: Solo supraspinatus-middle deltoid•Hold support from behind back•Use other arm, and body’s weight, to apply stretch•Cr: pull on support directly to the side•Re-stretch, then incline head towards support if desired12. E9: Partner supraspinatus-middle deltoid•Use trapeze grip on wrists for most secure grip•Partner supports other arm directly opposite working forearm•Cr: press held arm’s elbow directly to side•Re-stretch, then incline head towards partnerif desired13. L4: Rotator cuff –stick work•Basic task is to explore widest possible ROM in all possible upper arm planes of movement,both in external and internal rotation actions•Cr can be done at any line tension is felt

Master Master Shoulder FlexibilityShoulder Flexibility14. E10: Lat stretch on stall bar –solo and partner•Basic template is to use relaxed part–whole body’s weight to stretch•Use non-hanging arm to add sideways vector•Hang for at least 30”•Cr: pull as though trying to do one-arm chin•Partner assistance includes adding weight, pressing working hand’s waist towards floor, and resisting the Cr15. E11: Ring side bend•Wrap working side’s arm around ring first•Secure grip with other hand•Try different ring heights•Roll hips forwards, backwards, and increase lateral flexion using feet•Cr: pull as though trying to do one-arm chin16. E12: One arm hang•Our personal favourite: hang for time•Press thumb against index finger to monitor grip•Cr: pull as though trying to do one-arm chin•Let whole weight hang from hand•Press same-side hip towards floor to tilt pelvis

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