
Ken McCarthy – Advanced Copywriting Secrets For Serious Info Marketers

Original price was: $1,295.00.Current price is: $137.00.

If you use email, do you know there’s a way to use some of the tactics created by spammers and other “e-criminals” so people are actually happy to hear from you — and even anxious to read your offers?


Ken McCarthy – Advanced Copywriting Secrets For Serious Info Marketers

Ken McCarthy – Advanced Copywriting Secrets For Serious Info Marketers


World’s most secretive 7-figure copywriter reveals how he does it…without swipe files, gimmicks or natural writing talent.
Dear Friend,
Do you know you can multiply the response of all your ads by using a certain (rather crude) swear word?

If you use an order form, do you know you can add as much as 30% (or more) response with a simple graphic in your word processor’s “clip art” gallery?

If you use email, do you know there’s a way to use some of the tactics created by spammers and other “e-criminals” so people are actually happy to hear from you — and even anxious to read your offers?

These are just a few of hundreds of intriguing (and sometimes downright bizarre) copywriting tricks of the trade I learned during a phone call with one of the direct marketing world’s sharpest (and most secretive) copywriters.

I’ll tell you more about this man’s secrets (and how to use them in your own ads) in a second.

But first you should know that, while this man is not a “name” copywriter, he’s easily one of the best copywriters in the world.

He’s actually so good at writing ads guys like Gary Bencivenga (billed “the greatest living copywriter”) and Marty Edelston (founder of one of the biggest direct mail houses in the world)…

Ken McCarthy – Advanced Copywriting Secrets For Serious Info Marketers on sensecourse.info


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