Jonette Crowley – Treasures From Beyond Part 1


The illusion of separation from God has become paramount in human thought and so you live with broken self-esteem. Humans live with a sense of paranoia and fear. Neither are natural to God.


Jonette Crowley - Treasures From Beyond Part 1

Jonette Crowley – Treasures From Beyond, Part 1

We would like to talk about your role in the big picture. So many times we take you on journeys and don’t explain why. There is a reason for that—because the why is never really the why. It’s just a “why” that your mind can grasp onto that gives you permission to be the Grand YOU.

Consciousness is a pool that needs lifeguards. You are the lifeguards while others swim around at various levels of skill in the pool. You know what they’re doing. You know when they’re in trouble. You know when they need help, and you know how to help when they need it. Most of the time you are in your place on your high chair and your presence gives safety to the ones in the pool, even if you never jump in. Your job is to be skilled and trained, not interfere with the swimmers. Help when you need to help but help always from your higher aspects, your higher self, and the parts of you that are not directed by the lower self.

You’ve dedicated yourselves to having skills in the navigation of consciousness and in the creation of realities. You not only navigate consciousness but you help choose the realities that respond to humanity’s requests. You all came consciously to be on this planet at this time because you have the skills and the compassion to be of service now, without being derailed by ego or fear.  Ego, doubts and fear are disastrous to your skills.

In the big picture now, there is a lot of fracturing in human consciousness. The old illusion breaks into many shards. It’s as if someone is taking a mirror and breaking it. The broken shards then have access to universal consciousness that the flat mirror never could. You are taking the mirror of who you think you are and breaking it into multiple dimensions. This is why we work is the 9th dimension—multiple parallel realities. You are holographically existent in all the realities that you can see and cannot see.

You are like Alice through the looking glass; but the looking glass had to be broken for you to go in. It didn’t reflect truth when it was not broken into a million realities. The support for you and your spiritual growth is tremendous because of the role you are taking as lifeguards. You may think you are lost. You may think you lose your way. You may think you’re not supported financially or emotionally. None of this is true. You are a greatly supported group because you greatly support. You support in ways you know not.

Illusions are the hardest things to get beyond.

The illusion of separation from God has become paramount in human thought and so you live with broken self-esteem. Humans live with a sense of paranoia and fear. Neither are natural to God.

Your entire world is based upon illusion. You are those who question the illusion, who break the mirror and walk through the broken pieces. It is important that you are normal and grounded with your normal ups and downs. This world has often been misled by religious hierarchy. True change has to come without a hierarchy at all, directly into the hearts and souls of you. And the “you” is not you as a MARK group; it is you as beautiful beings— as templates for what is so.

Do not seek perfection as a path to enlightenment.

Perfection is also an illusion that is a distraction. Enlightenment is best conveyed by joy at the ups and downs of every moment, in meeting everything with joy whether it is an up or a down.This is the joy of knowing that what you see is simply an indicator of divinity creating itself. Who you are is divinity creating itself.

What we have seen in the last six months is that more people are opening to dimensions unknown to them before; perhaps the trees talk to them or the rocks talk to them.

God is tired of being personified and would rather have persons being Godified.

We’ve taken you before to realms of support, to move higher to where the flow is. No matter what has you stuck, finding the cause of that stuckness will not unstick you. Rather acknowledge the stuckness and move to where the flow is— above that. There is always divine flow. Always. Plug yourself into the flow and unplug yourself from the stuckness.

The ancestors are you.

You are the ancestors evolved. The ancestors look at you and pour their life force through you because you are the ancestors’ presence now. If you can imagine how supported you are, when all the ancestors— who’ve lived the best lives they could— see you proudly living the best life you can. You may think you ride upon their shoulders but they are happy to ride upon yours. The ancestors are more involved in human consciousness awakening now than they have been before because you have reached a level of attainment in which the interconnection is helpful. Why we say that is if you had a lower level of attainment and then connected to your ancestors, it would tend to draw you into the past at a lower level. You need a high level of personal and group and attainment in order for the ancestors to be able to come and not draw you into the past. They march forward with you.

Along with the ancestors, there is also more engagement with non-Earth beings. It might not be sightings of spaceships, but it will be at on an individual basis where you connect with brothers and sisters who are not necessarily human. In order to connect with you they have to come in on the line of compassion— because compassion is your base frequency. When we want to help you change, we always start with love. When you want to change yourself, you always start with love. The line of compassion keeps you safe from any extraterrestrial brothers or sisters whom you may not like. Only ones who come in compassion can connect to you. Open yourselves in the multiplied dimensions to other worlds personally without waiting for mass consciousness to have sightings.

Stay in your power.

As lifeguards, you must be the ones who stay in your power, even when others are flailing around learning to swim. Just because they’re flailing around does not mean they are drowning. It means they are learning. Stay in your power. Do not feel sorry for yourself. The world turns around your bright lights, and more bright lights come in support of this grand illumination.


Move into a universe of divine grace. Once you get the frequency and the beauty of this place to your liking, invite in the ancestors. Only those with compassion will come. Invite in your loved ones who are alive or those who are passed into this place of compassion.

Invite the Devas of the Nature Kingdom into this place of grace. Invite the material elements of earth, wind, fire, water.

Invite the souls who are yet to incarnate upon this Blue Planet into this place of grace.

Invite the beings who live at different vibrations, the Inner Earth Beings, the Lemurians. Bring them into this place of grace.

Invite the Angels, the Archangels, the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Kumaras, the Guardians, the Elohim.

Invite the star beings, the extraterrestrials, the ones from other universes into this place of grace.

Invite the living souls of all humanity, every single one, into this place of grace. Feel how everyone here is helping, supporting, assisting and loving every other entity invited here. There is only love and support. Only

In the frequency of compassion, we all welcome not just the new human and the new Earth but the new universes.

With that, we thank you for your existence. This is MARK.

Excerpted from ‘Treasures from Beyond: the 9th Dimension’, Part I, class 6.  Copyright 2015 Jonette Crowley. Feel free to share, giving credit and including the copyright.

(CopyRight 2015 )

‘Mark’ is a cosmic being channeled by Jonette since 1989. His goal is to lift humanity above the structures of our 3-D consciousness. “Your reality is a reflection of your level of consciousness.” He leads weekly recorded courses introducing us experientially to the higher dimensions of awakening. This is exploration at the very edges of human spiritual awareness. There is nothing like these on-going courses for expansion and transformation. To get a taste of ‘Mark’ for free, go to our ‘Listening and Viewing Room.’ Click here to order current or past Mark courses as audio links, CD’s, or simply get the transcripts.


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