
John Meadows – Program X

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $30.00.

We will be training for rate of force development as well as maximal strength. To do this we use submaximal loads and train purely for speed on some exercises (it may seem light, but it will work)

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John Meadows – Program X

John Meadows - Program X

Page: https://mountaindogdiet.com/programs/program-x/

Check it out: John Meadows – Program X

This is a combination of bodybuilding and powerlifting training. We will be training for rate of force development as well as maximal strength. To do this we use submaximal loads and train purely for speed on some exercises (it may seem light, but it will work), while on others we work up to heavy weights we have to grind with (maximal strength training).

We will be rotating exercises every 3 weeks. When you do the same things over and over, you get stuck and progress halts, especially with maximal loads.


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