
Joe McCall – Automated Wholesaling 2.0

Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $157.00.

I am starting a new Automated Wholesaling Case Study Group on August 22nd, and I am looking for a handful of people to work with and create some successful case studies for my new Automated Wholesaling 2.0 Coaching Program.

Author: Joe McCall

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Joe McCall – Automated Wholesaling 2.0

Joe McCall - Automated Wholesaling 2.0

I am starting a new Automated Wholesaling Case Study Group on August 22nd, and I am looking for a handful of people to work with and create some successful case studies for my new Automated Wholesaling 2.0 Coaching Program.

I have been working very closely with a small group of people for the last few months. And the results have been amazing

I am going to be working with one more case study group over the next couple months… starting next week.

This case study group is going to be all about creating a simple, automated wholesaling business.

I originally created this coaching program while I was in Prague a couple years ago. Technology and market conditions change fast. So now I am revising my course and completely updating everything.

We are going to be talking about how to create a real investing BUSINESS – for regular wholesaling, lease options, and land deals.

We will be focusing on the three most important components of business – Marketing, Automation, and Delegation.

This all comes from my own first hand experience, doing deals while living in Prague and traveling around in an RV, for months at a time. It also comes from countless testimonials and podcast interviews that I have done over the years with many other virtual wholesalers.

Here is some of what we are going to work on, for the 8 weeks:

Week 1) We’ll start with designing the kind of lifestyle business you want to have.

You don’t need to have a complicated business to live a very fulfilling lifestyle. One of my students, Sean, has a great job that he doesn’t want to quit (go figure). He wholesales on average 2-3 deals a month in a market about 500 miles away, and nets about $5,000 – $6,000 per month, after all expenses. That’s not a ton of money… But it’s more money than he is making on his current job… and he is only working 30 minutes a week! He’s able to pay off his debt, save for retirement, and keep the job he loves… all while ONLY working less than an hour a week!

Maybe you just want to travel around the world for several months at a time (which I have done 3 times in the last 4 years, with my family of 6).

Or maybe you want to be self-supporting missionaries, like Josh and Jess Davis, who I just interviewed on my podcast. They’re supporting themselves in Africa, without having to raise support, virtually wholesaling 3-4 deals a month.

How crazy awesome is that?!

So let’s design a business that accommodates the lifestyle and vision for your life – not a life that has to accommodate itself to your business.

This is why I am so passionate about this course!

Week 2) Automation and Systems

This is where we dive in all the important stuff in regards to systems and automation – with an emphasis on SIMPLE. You don’t need to be a tech wizard to run a successful wholesaling business. You just need to know the best tools to use that are #1, simple and #2, simple.

It’s really that easy…

We will be reviewing the best tools and technology that we use in our business, as well as what many other wholesalers use.

Week 3) Building Your Virtual Team – Delegating What You Can’t Automate.

Next, it’s important to know that whatever you can’t automate, you need to delegate. This is super, super important to understand.

Stop asking “How?” and start asking “Who?” Stop trying to fix your weaknesses – instead outsource them.

In this week, we will be diving deep in how to find the right local investors to partner with, and how to find good Virtual Assistants that will take your systems and marketing and systems, and implement them.

In fact, many of my best students take the trainings I create, and just give them to their virtual assistants to learn and implement on their own.

You don’t have to understand all these systems and steps. Let me train your VA’s for you, and let your VA’s create their own procedures.

We will also talk about how to find and work with local Acquisition Managers. This is a really important strategy that every large wholesaling operation does. Let me shorten the learning curve for you.

Week 4 & 5) Marketing – What’s Working Best >>> TODAY <<<

This is such an important topic, and that is why we will be spending at least two weeks on it.

W are not in the real estate business. We are in the MARKETING business. And once you understand this – there will be no limit to the number of deals that you can do.

What kind of marketing is working best today for flipping real estate virtually – for traditional wholesaling, lease options, and land deals?

We will be covering that in detail.

We will be looking at specifically 1) the best mailing lists to target, 2) the simplest, most effective mail to send, and 3) cutting edge marketing strategies like tele-marketing & having your VA’s hack the MLS.

And most importantly, this will all be in the context of my mantra “Marketing Done For You, In Spite Of You”

We will learn how to train your $2/hr Virtual Assistants to do all this marketing done for you, in spite of you.

Week 6) How To Quickly And Easily Make Offers And Set Your All Important Follow-Up On Autopilot.

This is a really important concept to understand… Your success is this investing business is directly proportional to the number of offers that you make.

Read that again….

Put another way… your speed to income to income is directly correlated to your speed of implementation.

So if you want to do a lot of deals, and make a full-time income in real estate, you need to take seriously the most important part – making offers and following up.

You need to focus on your highest revenue generating activities. And that is exactly what we cover in this module… Making Offers and Following Up.

And the cool thing is that you can completely outsource this part.

Week 7) A Deeper Dive Into Your CRM’s / Database

This is so critical – you have to get this piece right. In this module, we dive deep into specifically, Podio and Freedomsoft. We will leave no stone unturned.

If you don’t have a good CRM to manage your business and all your leads, you’re going to let money fall thru the cracks.

Week 8) Land Investing Overview

Over the last year, our land investing business has exploded. We are going to show you exactly what we are doing in our land business.

You are also going to get an inside peek on how I have automated and outsourced 100% of this business. Outside of maybe a one hour meeting a week, I DO NOTHING…

Yet this land flipping business is responsible for over $50,000 in profits over the last year.

Bottom Line

Bottom line… any one of these topics can move the needle immediately for your business, and my experience is that ONE of these is going to resonate with you and stand out as the BIG opportunity for you specifically… so we’ll be able to spend more time on that one with you.

This next couple of months I’ll be working with a small group personally… and I only want to work with a handful of people who can implement, test and report back on their results.

I’ll use YOUR business as the Case Studies to apply these strategies.

I’m ready to get started right away and I’m inviting YOU to join the Case Study Team.

Here’s how it will work…

Each week, we’ll release a new module on Tuesdays – which will include a couple videos from me, and 1-2 relevant interviews of other investors implementing these strategies.

Then, we’ll get together as a group to talk about it and brainstorm specific strategies for YOUR business… on Thursdays… so you can put it into action and report on your results.

I really want to create some great case studies from this, so I’ll be spending one on one time with you to make sure we maximize your results.

The more you implement… the more I’ll work with you.

We’re going to be working closely together, so I’d like you to be sure you have some time to dedicate to this over the next couple of months.

The total cost is $1,500 (or 3x $500)… but for right now, I just need to know if you can join us and I’ll get you all the details.

I’d love to work with you.

Just click one of the buttons below… and I’ll take it from there.

Also… if for some reason this program doesn’t fit your needs, I offer a full 30-day “no questions asked” guarantee. Simply email my team at [email protected] and we will get you taken care of.

Joe McCall – Automated Wholesaling 2.0 on sensecourse.info


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