
Jeanne Kolenda & Sue White – Success With Webinars

Original price was: $332.42.Current price is: $62.00.

Why you MUST learn to become a “Go-Giver” vs a “Go-Getter” and her business partner, Sue White, share exactly how they grew their business to six figures in just a few months… and they have local business owners CALLING THEM for their help. They’ve even been featured on their local news because what they are doing is so revolutionary to the offline world.

Author: Jeanne Kolenda & Sue White


Jeanne Kolenda & Sue White – Success With Webinars

Jeanne Kolenda & Sue White - Success With Webinars

How to Dominate with Simple Client Acquisition Strategies. How to Fill Your Funnel with a Flood of Inbound Prospects!

Why you MUST learn to become a “Go-Giver” vs a “Go-Getter”
and her business partner, Sue White, share exactly how they grew their business to six figures in just a few months…  and they have local business owners CALLING THEM  for their help.  They’ve even been featured on their local news because what they are doing is so revolutionary to the offline world.

Module 1 ($197 Value )
How to Approach Non-Profit Organizations and Chambers of Commerce

Who to Contact
How to Position Yourself
How We Get GoToWebinar for half price
How NonProfits & Chambers Will Open New Opportunities
Real Referral Letters You Can Use

Module 2 ($197 Value )

How to run a successful webinar
How to play by their (NonProfit & Chamber)rules and still get business.
You don’t have to spend time learning the “rules.”  We’ll give you the scoop!
How to engage the audience
Module 3 ($497 Value )

13 Weeks of Sequential Webinars
PowerPoint Slides
GoToWebinar Instructions
Transc ripts  ($800 Value)

Module 4 ($197 Value )

Sample Press Release with video instructions
Reaching the Chamber Member
A Jump-Start offer the Chamber and their members will love
How to be welcomed in the door of businesses
Using Social Media to attract webinar attendees

And that’s not all ….. Great Bonuses

Bonus 1 – Exclusive Facebook Mastermind Group
Bonus 2 – Monthly Coaching & Q&A Webinars
Bonus 3 – 4 Bonus Webinars designed for SCORE

Jeanne Kolenda & Sue White – Success With Webinars on sensecourse.info


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