
Jason Fladlien – Stopwatch Copywriting

Original price was: $37.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Here’s why – I’m going to completely debunk all the “traditional” copywriting rules even the most respected copywriters are still teaching internet marketers. We’re going to discuss such “dirty secrets” as…


Jason Fladlien - Stopwatch Copywriting

Jason Fladlien – Stopwatch Copywriting

Lazy Copywriter Discovers How to Create ‘Near’ World Class Ads in Less Than 3 Hours… That Pull as High as 13%!

Yes! This is the exact opposite of what nearly all professional marketers… and top-notch copywriters… have been teaching for decades!

Yes! This is just the thing for ANY internet marketer sick-and-tired of following the same old rehashed Guru Tactics that rob you of your money and your dignity!

From Jason Fladlien

Dear Internet Marketer

In 9 steps I can “program” a copywriting process into your mind that will practically guarantee your success when it comes to writing persuasive copy.

Follow along, because I’m sure you’ll find what I’m about to reveal to you… almost unbelievable.

Here’s why – I’m going to completely debunk all the “traditional” copywriting rules even the most respected copywriters are still teaching internet marketers. We’re going to discuss such “dirty secrets” as…

  • Why the actual writing of your copy is the last thing you should concern yourself with… (There are three other things you should focus on first. Once you have these down, the ad will practically write itself.)
  • How benefit-driven long copy is likely killing all chances of your ad being more successful (Crazy, huh?)
  • Why the Headline is NOT the most important element for grabbing your reader’s attention (Did you know the best online copywriters barely even focus on the headlines these days?)

You’ll discover a much better approach for creating profit-pulling copy with my brand new “Stopwatch Copywriting System”.

In a matter of minutes – just by coming up with the answers to a few simple questions – you’ll have a self-regulating system for writing copy the new Web 2.0 way.

The good news is that it requires just a tiny “adjustment” to the traditional approach. The difference between success and failure in copywriting isn’t so much techniques and tactics – it’s strategy. So it doesn’t really matter how much, or how little you currently know about copywriting.

You Can See It All For Free

Here’s what it’s about: Those “in the know” are fully aware there are two main parts to writing killer copy quickly. There is the actual writing of the copy itself (where you turn your best sales arguments into words) and then there is the strategic planning on how and what content you will include in your copy.

The thing is – almost all copywriters never really get past the writing part. They are constantly monkeying around with the words they use… or trying to “knock off” headlines from old National Enquirer magazines.

They study courses where 400 pages are devoted to writing mechanics, and only two paragraphs are given for constructing “magic solutions”… inducing implied scarcity… or how to use any of the other hot psychological triggers that cause people to buy, regardless of how good of a writer you are .

It’s sad, but most wannabe copywriters cling to the desperate hope that if they could somehow just write “better”, then magically their copy will start making them all kinds of money.

Well guess what? Your writing is fine the way it is.

The only thing we need to do is… plug-in your writing to the proper “strategic mind set”. It’s this missing link that causes beginner copywriters to get low response percentages and to spend day after agonizing day trying to finish writing “sub par” copy.

Oh, and don’t worry… this will be the SIMPLEST thing you’ve ever done to improve your online marketing. I’m not kidding – it’s going to dramatically improve your copy writing instantaneously…

Even If You’ve Never Written A Sales Letter In Your Life!

Or… if you’re writing “so-so” copy now, you can take whatever response rates you’re getting and double them! If you really stink at copywriting, then you should experience even bigger gains.

And I’m not talking six months from now… I’m talking by tomorrow.

Best of all – no practice is required! You don’t have to take any winning sales letters and write them out by hand. I don’t know about you, but I consider that torture.

Once you discover that it’s not the writing… but the approach… you’re ready to utilize the real secrets all the pros know (and all struggling marketers never realize) about copywriting.

The Secret To Writting World Class Copy Quickly!

Most people realize that in almost every task, 80% of your results come from only 20% of your actions.

However, not one copywriter in a thousand ever really figures out what those “20% actions” for ad-writing are, even though it’s really simple. I guess we’re all just biologically programmed to complicate even the simplest tasks.

So most copywriters are left doing things the “traditional way”… until someone finally shows them the shortcuts.

It has nothing to do with following the “copywriting rules” you read about in those stupid copywriting courses. I have found it’s actually harder to write by following those “rules”. There’s a much simpler approach, and it has much more profound results.

It’s more about seeing copywriting with new eyes… which will allow you to connect the dots the way the best of the best marketers do unconsciously.

The result: You’ll be able to go toe-to-toe with those $15,000 per letter plus 5% royalty copywriters who get all the glory.

  •  No matter how much experience you have!
  • No mater how competitive your niche is!
  • No matter how much pressure is on you!

No Matter What!

Interested? I figured you were.

Look: when people tell me writing copy is hard, I roll my eyes. It’s only hard if you make it hard. It’s only hard if you follow complicated systems, or get unclear, un-actionable information… because what I’ve found is that most of the pros who use the “true secrets”… aren’t even aware of it!

And those who are aware of it… don’t share it… because those are the very secrets that allow them to charge $15,000+ per letter.

I have no such hang ups. I’ve been quick to tell my coaching clients and customers how to instantly improve their copywriting ability. It’s just that few marketers “get it”.

It sounds too simple.

And copywriting is suppose to be hard.

So I have to be wrong… Even though I haven’t written a losing sales letter in years!

It can’t be that easy, can it?


Here are just some of the results I’ve personally enjoyed with my “stopwatch” copywriting techniques…

  • Wrote 8 Sales Letters In ONE DAY to close a $32,000 Deal!
  • Sold 192 copies of a product called “Membership Tactics” to my list of just 1817 people.. meaning a 10.5% close rate to my ENTIRE LIST (and over 30% on the sales page itself!)
  • It took me less than one hour to write that piece of copy!
  • I get paid at least $2,000 to write a letter… and I tell the client upfront… $2,000 is the price if only I feel I can complete the job in under 3 hours (including talking to them, reviewing the product and writing the copy)
  • I’ve applied my techniques to video sales letters and it works just as effectively!
  • I can trace over $132,000 in profits over the last 18 months just from the 72+ winning sales letters I’ve created with my stopwatch copywriting techniques!

Here’s What You Get:

  • “Stopwatch Copywriting ” Video Series – 15 videos explaining each step of the system. (Total running time is 3 hours, 21 Minutes and 2 seconds!)

  • Quick Start Video Guide – If you need to get instant results, and don’t want to go through all the videos, then you’ll want to watch this. It’s the shortcut version! (Total running time: 17 minutes, 46 Seconds)

  • Mp3 Recordings of All Videos! – If you don’t have time to watch the videos, or just want to listen to them in your car, around the home, or when you workout, I’ve included an mp3 recording of all the videos.

  • “Stopwatch Copywriting” Worksheet – Each step in my system has questions you simply answer, and those answers become your copy. There’s 24 questions in all. Once you know how to feel this worksheet out, your copy will practically write itself.

  • “3 Years of Sweat” Headline & Bullet Point Swipe Files – The hardest part of my system is coming up with the headline and the bullet points. The workaround to this is to use a swipe file. Instead of building your own from scratch, I’ll give you access to mine… which has taken me over 3 years to build!

Three Bonuses That Make This Too Irresistible To Pass Up!

Fast Action Bonus #1: How To Win A 4 Figure Copywriting Client

Fast Action Bonus #2: Copywriting Design Secrets (Video & PDF Format)

Fast Action Bonus #3: How To ” Assemble A Sales Letter” In Lass Then 12 Minutes!


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