
Fluenz German 2

Original price was: $187.00.Current price is: $42.00.

Anybody who’s tried to learn German knows that matching words to pictures or playing with a Lingo-game App are not options to learn the language.

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Fluenz German 2

Fluenz German 2

Right Approach to Learn German

Anybody who’s tried to learn German knows that matching words to pictures or playing with a Lingo-game App are not options to learn the language. English speakers need a sophisticated approach that methodically breaks down the complex grammar and syntax of German in a way that makes sense to them. Those learning with Fluenz at Google, the UN, and Apple know the value of our thorough approach. When the Navy’s Special Warfare Command looked for a serious language learning solution, Fluenz was the answer.

Sonia Gil, Fluenz founder
Why Fluenz German
Three Reasons Fluenz Delivers.
1. Understanding German

Fluenz leads learners through a unique path of basic and intermediate German designed for English-speakers…

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2. Targeted Practice

While watching some YouTube and following Slow News can be helpful, internalizing German structures and vocabulary takes much more than that…

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3. Fluenz Legacy

For years those truly serious about their German have been praising Fluenz as the most powerful tool to learn that language….

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Ready for your German Adventure on Every Device

Learning German is no small challenge. Fluenz allows you to follow the entire program, including all video tutorials, every single workout, and the assessment tool on all devices. You can start on your desktop or laptop and continue on your iPhone, iPad and/or your Android phone because we know where you left off and where you should continue, regardless of device.

Level 2

Solidify your foundation and begin to acquire the tools for more serious engagement.


Making plans with friends and telling a simple story
Interacting at restaurants and stores
Renting a car
Describing useful items (restaurant, office, house)
Finding your way inside a building
Making more complex travel and work arrangements
Going to the pharmacy or doctor’s
Making phone calls


Introduction to the past tense (main verbs and regular conjugations)
Cases: articles, pronouns, possessives and demonstratives in nominative, accusative, dative
Cases: plurals
Introduction to Direct object pronouns (accusative case)
Learning which case to use after the main prepositions
Forming more complex statements and questions
Forming different types of negative statements
Place and form of adjectives (cases)
Building simple comparative forms Using place/direction prepositions correctly

German 2 picks up where the first level leaves off, deepening your grasp of the fundamentals through new verbs and conjugations, an expanding vocabulary, and a broad range of other key parts of the language. By the end of German 2, you’ll have begun to make substantial inroads into becoming a more experienced German speaker, ideally preparing you for moving on to a more intermediate level.

You’ll begin perfecting your knowledge of articles, adjectives and pronouns in the different cases, before expanding on the use of prepositions and how they imply different cases too. You’ll also review present conjugations and start looking at verbs in the past tense, including regular endings but also some important irregular verbs.

All these efforts will lead you to more complex and meaningful interactions in restaurants, travel agencies, stores, and with friends. You’ll buy new clothes and items, as well as cell phone for your trip ; you’ll try lots of new dishes too. And as your ability to express location —along with giving and understanding directions— grows, you’ll find yourself thoroughly prepared for navigating any German-speaking city or neighborhood.

As with all Fluenz programs, these critical scenarios provide the setting through which your grasp of the language’s fundamentals is steadily developed. By enhancing your ability with the central topics covered in the previous level (such as articles, pronouns, verbs, and genders), you’ll solidify your foundation in the language. Meanwhile, the introduction of new structures and vocabulary (such as new adjectives, comparatives, and prepositions) combines with more serious responsibilities, such as going to the doctor and handling office tasks, preparing you to engage more seriously with the German-speaking world.

Get immediately download Fluenz German 2

Fluenz Language Immersions
Putting our Philosophy to the Test.

Every language learning company has a point of view about how adults can learn a language. For some it’s through games, others rely on lots of practice with little explanations, still others believe that you can teach German to English-speakers in German, without a word of English. We know that the fastest way for an adult to learn a language is by understanding how sentences are formed, questions asked, masculine, feminine and neuter deployed, etc. Because English doesn’t have a lot of these structures, we’re committed to smart, comparative explanations for English speakers that help them understand how everything fits. We then tie those explanations to our comprehensive practice sessions. Yet, we go one step further than all digital language learning companies: we put our philosophy to the test with weekly intense immersions every single month. This is how we’re reminded throughout the year that there is no more effective way to learn. We currently offer Spanish Immersions and plan to roll out to other languages in the future.

Fluenz German 2 on sensecourse.info


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