
Fabio Antenore – Seascape Video Tutorial Bundle

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $33.00.

In the White Screen video I discuss the use of grey filters and show which equipment I use. Here I explain on-site how to use apps like “Photopills” (sun position planning) and “Tides Planner”.


Fabio Antenore - Seascape Video Tutorial Bundle

Fabio Antenore – Seascape Video Tutorial Bundle


This bundle includes 3 different parts, of which each part is made up of several videos as well. Everything that is numbered is a separate video.

Main Introducing 00:03:06

Seascape Main Explanation

Seascape Introducing 00:01:33
White Screen Filters
On-Location Explanation Exposure Time 00:31:12

In the White Screen video I discuss the use of grey filters and show which equipment I use. Here I explain on-site how to use apps like “Photopills” (sun position planning) and “Tides Planner”.

Afterwards I explain the use of ND filters and show how different exposure times affect the image.


Introducing 00:02:18
On-Location 00:09:21
Editing 01:05:00

Here I explain on-site what it takes to create a nice composition. After that I try to shoot the perfect Singleshot.

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In the editing part I demonstrate how to edit a picture with Lightroom, Photoshop and the plugins of the DXO Nick Collection.

Multi Exposure

Introducing 00:02:33
White Screen 00:15:34
On-Location 00:06:32
Editing 01:06:00

In the White Screen part I explain when and why you should work with multiple exposures to achieve the best quality result. I explain what ETTR (Expose to the Right) is and why dark areas in an image cannot be brightened without loss of quality.

On location I demonstrate how I expose the different areas in the image and what I pay attention to.

During the editing part I then show how all the exposures are edited with Lightroom, Photoshop and the plugins of the DXO Nick Collection.


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