
Digitalmarketer – Video Sales Letter Formula

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $47.00.

A Secret Strategy For Maximizing the Value of Your Sales Pages Using Video to Hook Your Audience With a Persuasive Story…


Digitalmarketer – Video Sales Letter Formula

Digitalmarketer - Video Sales Letter Formula

A Secret Strategy For Maximizing the Value of Your Sales Pages Using Video to Hook Your Audience With a Persuasive Story…

  • Use this proven, step-by-step plan to help you quickly roll out a video sales letter that draws your viewers in and gets the sale by leveraging the powerful combination of copywriting and video techniques.
  • Discover the core concepts of video selling and how you can leverage this to grow your business and your image (PLUS, why video almost always outperforms text, alone).

12 Quick Steps to Creating Eye-Catching, Engaging, and Effective Video Sales Letters

  • Script a high-converting video sales letter from scratch…even if you’ve never written a word of sales copy in your life (TIP: Our fill-in-the-blank templates make it quick, simple, and nearly-impossible to mess up).
  • Complete with real-life examples of VSLs that have not only sold $MILLIONS$, but have gone completely VIRAL (Dollar Shave Club, anyone?), we break down why these videos are effective and how you can model your videos off these examples.

Proven Templates and Resources That Make Creating the Perfect Video Sales Letter as Easy as “Fill-in-the-Blank and RECORD.”

  • DigitalMarketer’s proven copy-and-paste “12-step Sales Video Script” makes crafting multiple high-converting video sales letters as easy as “FILL IN THE BLANK & PRESS RECORD”…
  • Employ DigitalMarketer’s “Before & After Grid” template to articulate your goals for your VSL and make writing the copy for script a breeze.

Digitalmarketer – Video Sales Letter Formula on sensecourse.info


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