
Cracking The Code – Pick Slanting Primer

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $42.00.

We teach you the technical concepts that underlie fast and accurate picking and we break down the actual techniques of legendary players like Yngwie Malmsteen, Eric Johnson, Michael Angelo Batio, and more.


Cracking The Code – Pick Slanting Primer

Cracking the Code – Pick Slanting Primer

The Cracking the Code Pickslanting Primer is the essential introduction to guitar picking technique. We teach you the technical concepts that underlie fast and accurate picking and we break down the actual techniques of legendary players like Yngwie Malmsteen, Eric Johnson, Michael Angelo Batio, and more. Your purchase includes video lessons, detailed how-to tutorial chapters, dozens of example clips in ultra-revealing 120fps slow-motion video, and complete tablature in PDF and Guitar Pro.

The complete package includes:
30+ video tutorial chapters
5+ hours of lessons
75+ slow-mo video + tablature examples

Downward Pickslanting
Learn about the incredible power of downward pickslanting – with complete blueprints of Yngwies and Eric Johnsons picking techniques.
DWPS and Yngwie Malmsteen: Get Down for the Upstroke and Inside the Volcano lessons
Eight-chapter tutorial on critical concepts in Yngwies downward pickslanting system
DWPS and Eric Johnson: Eric the Right lesson
Eight-chapter tutorial on the most fundamental components of Erics downward pickslanting strategy

Upward Pickslanting
Learn about the legendary accuracy of John McLaughlins picking technique, and step through the fundamentals of upward pickslanting mechanics with the awesome Strunz & Farah.
UWPS fundamental mechanics with Strunz & Farah: four chapters
UWPS and John McLaughlin: three chapters on Johns blazing scalar and arpeggio patterns

Two-Way Pickslanting
Learn how two-way pickslanting enables you to play alternate-picked scales across the strings.
2WPS and Michael Angelo Batio: Conquering the Scale lesson
Ten-chapter video tutorial demonstrating exactly how to achieve two-way pickslanting a la Batio
2WPS and Steve Vai: Crossroads Diminished Fours lesson

Cracking The Code – Pick Slanting Primer on sensecourse.info


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