
Art Sobczak – Telesales Rep College

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Original price was: $895.00.Current price is: $117.00.

The Telesales Rep College is acomplete step-by-step training work-shop for professional sales represen-tatives who use the phone as theirmain method of communication,using a consultative (question-based)sales approach.

Author: Art Sobczak

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Art Sobczak – Telesales Rep College

Art Sobczak - Telesales Rep College

n Intensive Two-DayTraining Seminar What is the Telesales RepCollege?The Telesales Rep College is acomplete step-by-step training work-shop for professional sales represen-tatives who use the phone as theirmain method of communication,using a consultative (question-based)sales approach.Participants are led through thelogical sequence of the sales call,learning step-by-step, what-to-say andhow-to-say it ideas, strategies, andtechniques which help them becomemore confident, effective, and pro-ductive on their very next call. Customers tell us, and graduatesaffirm, that in no other seminar willtelesales pros find such an abundanceof real-world, proven, no-baloney tele-sales ideas and methods that work.And learning is made fun and motivat-ing, presented by telesales expert ArtSobczak.As a result of this two-day learningand self-discovery process, reps hitthe ground running upon arrivingback at the office. Attendees tell usthey have a new sense of confidenceas they prospect for new business, fol-low-up with existing contacts and cus-tomers delivering real value, and han-dle inquiries and turn them into sales.Bottom line, this is the program thatdemystifies professional telesales,and provides real how-to informa-tion—not blue sky theory—that par-ticipants use and show results fromright away!Who Attends the College?The Telesales Rep College isdesigned for professional business-to-business salespeople who use thephone as their primary method of com-munication with prospects and cus-tomers. Titles for this function includeInside Sales, Telesales, AccountManagement, Customer Service (ifthey’re proactive) and Telemarketing(if they use a consultative, needs-based approach). Outside sales repswho want to be more effective and usetheir time more efficiently also showgreat results from the College.The instruction is at the hands-onlevel, for the person who is on thephone. However, we find about 30% ofattendees are managers, supervisors,and trainers who are able to take thehundreds of how-to ideas, word-for-word tips and strategies and use themin their own in-house training.For Both the New andExperienced SalesProfessionalsReps who have never had salestraining walk away with a methodicalsystem for placing successful calls,and are confident in doing so. (Ourexperience shows it pays to correctlytrain new reps before bad habits areentrenched.) And experienced salespros leave energized, armed with newideas, old bad habits corrected, andbeing reminded of the tried and true(yet sometimes neglected) fundamen-tals which were rescued from therecesses of their memory. We’ve evenhad individuals attend the College asecond time a year or so after theirfirst experience, and get as much ormore from it. Ultimately, the resultsshown from the College aren’t a func-tion of an attendee’s years of salesexperience, but rather his or her atti-tude toward self-improvement. Complements Your In-HouseTrainingEven if you have a regular trainingprogram for your staff, consider send-ing reps to the College to maximizetheir productivity. Some companiessend reps as a reward for productivityor winning a sales contest. While that’sa good idea, don’t neglect the peoplewho also probably need the trainingand reinforcement the most. No onecan get too much training, and mostpeople don’t get enough. A well-trained sales rep on the phone is confi-dent, has a great attitude, sells more,and causes less personnel hassles. It’sa small investment in future success.Sign up for the College today!

Art Sobczak – Telesales Rep College on sensecourse.info

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